My Hero My Teacher My Love My Mate

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What would happen if u were about to be raped then killed by your crazy father? While he was trying to rape you, you met mate for the first time? And when you talked to our mate for the first time you found out he was your teacher? Well if that happens you can be pretty sure your name is Bella Louise Montony

Chapter 1

Hi my name is Bella Louise Montony and I am a werewolf shifter. I am currently 17 years old but I'm turning 18 in about 5 days, the day after my senior year starts. I am about 5 feet 8 inches i have long brown hair with natural red highlights, I have beautiful blue-ish, green-ish eyes. I live in a small little town called Tomsville Tennessee, there is about 300 people who live in my small little town and we all are shifters we all are under one pack leader, the alpha. My family life is pretty good, it's just me and my mom I really don't know who my father is or what he does or if he's alive for that mater. But I love just having my mom and me!

"Hey, darlin' can you come down here for a second?" Yells my mom

"Yes hold on" I yell back "Yes mama what's up?" I ask once I'm down stairs

"Hon, can you run to the store and get some milk we are almost out?"

"Yes ma'am!" I grab my keys to my baby, my white ford F150 and boy do I love my truck!

Once I get into the store I hear someone yell, "Britney? Britney?" I turn around wondering who would be yelling my moms name in this small little town?

"Oh, I'm sorry you look like someone I used to know that's all." The man says I don't know who he is because his sent is off but for some reason I feel like I know him.

"Britney Montony? Is that who your lookin' for sir?" I ask

"Yeah! Do you know her?" He asked eagerly

"Yes, sir. Britney Montony is my mother sir."

"Your mother? As in she gave berth to you?" He asked as if I was speaking korean

"Yes sir."

"Well, ain't that somethin' " he says with a southern sound to it that wasn't there before. "Might I ask who your father is young lady?"

"Well, sir I'm not really sure you see my father left my mama and me before she could tell him that she was pregnant."

"Do you know his name?"

"I think it was something like Joe Ponticta or somethin' like that"

"I'm sorry young lady but Joe Ponticta is my name..."

"Wait... So that means your my father sir"

"Yes I guess it does... Can you please come and talk with me outside?"

That's when I shoulda saw the red flag, when I shoulda said no. But before I could think before I could process what I was saying I said

"Yes sir."

So my newly found father took me out side he took me somewhere nobody could find me... The forest


Chapter 2

"Jo-Sir why are we going into the forest?"

"You can call me Joe if u wish. And because it a little more private." He said in a tone I didn't like, nope not one bit!

I stop and looked at him like he had two heads and four eyes "Joe... Why do we need to be in private?" I asked very slowly. Sadly, we were far enough into the forest now that if I screamed nobody would hear me. And if he wanted to kill me and hide the my body he could.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2013 ⏰

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