Chapter 1

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The beeping of my alarm clock woke me up. I glared at the stupid thing and threw it across the room. 

There was a pause and then it started beeping again. "Jesus Christ," I muttered as I got out of bed. I pressed the tiny button on the top and the beeping finally stopped. "Why does the button have to be so small?" I put the alarm clock back on the bedside table and went to have breakfast. 

I put the bread in the toaster and waited. No one else was up yet. Today was my first day in college. College is just school for adults. 

The toast popped out and made me scream. 

There was banging and crashing from upstairs, then all of a sudden Stephan, Dave, and my dad came running down the stairs. Stephan had his katana, Dave had his tennis racket and my dad of his socks? 

"Dad, why do you have a sock?" I questioned. 

"(Y/N), have you smelt these recently? I could have ended World War I with this." 

"So, you are that old." Stephan, my older brother said. 

My dad looked offended. "Anyway, why'd you scream?" 

There was a small silence as a blush crept up my face. "Toast..." was all I managed to squeak out. There was another pause, then the three of them burst out laughing. 

"It's not funny," I grumbled and started buttering my toast. Everyone calmed down whilst Dave, my step-dad, made coffee. "Hey, don't you start college today?" 

"What? Oh, yeah, I do." I said stuffing toast in my face. 

"And isn't that the college that Erwin goes to?" 

"Well, he doesn't go there anymore. He's actually my English teacher." 

"What time does school start?" my dad asked. 

"8:30, at least I think that's what it said." 

"Do you want me to drop you off?" Stephan asked, "Besides, it'll be great to see my other half." 

"Steph, there were three of you. Triplets. You can't just pretend like Eric never existed." 

Everyone was quiet. 

"Please can we not talk about your brother at the breakfast table," my dad said, "or your niece." 

"Dad! Melissa is two! And yes, Eric screwed up, but we can't completely shun him?" I shouted. 

"(Y/N) Smith! Get ready for school. Now!" 

I dug my nails into my palms and stormed upstairs to my room. I slammed my door and opened my hands. Small crescents started dribbling blood down my wrists. 

"Shit, not again," I muttered. I walked to the bathroom and bandaged my hands up. I grumbled, "This is going to make the worst first impression ever." 

I went back to my room and changed into a pair of black shorts, a white t-shirt saying "I'm like 104% tired" and a grey beanie. (A/N: I have no fashion sense so I'm just putting what I normally would wear.) I sat on my bed and pulled on my magenta pumps. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and grabbed my phone from the bedside table before marching downstairs. 

Stephan was standing awkwardly by the front door, "You ready to go? You're gonna be late if we don't go now." 

"Yeah, I'm ready." 

Stephan's eyes landed on my bandaged hands, "Digging your nails in again?" 

"Doesn't matter, let's go."

A/N: Hi! This is the first part of the story and I'll try to update soon. If you have any questions or whatever, comment.

Until the next update,


27/04/2020 Edit: I went through this and found a few errors. If you find any other errors, please let me know. Thanks

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