Part One: A New Reality

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Fanfic: What Should Have Been

Part One: A New Reality

It was a stormy night, but Daniel didn't care. He needed to take a drive. He needed to clear his head and reflect on his life. Things were so confused. Life was almost as bad as it could possibly be. He needed to take a long walk on the sand, breath the salty air and let the wind rush through his hair. He'd been walking on the beach this way since he was a little kid.

Maybe if the storm hit him hard enough, it could blow away his many mistakes. It looked as if rain was coming. Maybe if the rain poured hard enough, it could wash away all of his sins.

It would be worth a good soaking if he could just feel clean again, even if it only lasted for one night.

Daniel parked the car and braced himself against the wind as he climbed out, shrugging out of his jacket and slipping off his tie. He pulled on a heavy sweater, locked the car and headed for the beach. In the distance he could see Emily's mansion, that had once been Grayson Manor.

He hadn't realized that he'd driven this direction, but when a man went on auto pilot, it was natural enough to head toward home. And in many ways this was still his home -- would always be his home.

Daniel began to walk briskly, realizing it was cold. The wind was up and sand was rising into the air, making odd spirals here and there. He tried to avoid the sand, but felt the rasp against his exposed skin, and he blinked when the sand struck his eyes. Soon he would be unable to see where he was walking.

It was getting darker as the clouds grew heavier and heavier. Daniel shivered when the rain started to pelt his bare head. What had he been thinking? He needed to turn around and run back to the shelter of his car. What would happen if he kept walking toward his former home?

Daniel stood, his clothing soaked through and his hair streaming water that ran down his face like giant tears. He couldn't decide what to do. Head back to the car? Dash toward Emily's and beg her to take him in? Had this crazy idea of seeking out Emily been somewhere in the back of his mind?

Suddenly a gust of wind actually lifted Daniel off his feet, forcing him to fly through the air. He was staring down at the sand for mere seconds before he was face-planted against the beach. The last thing he remembered was the breath being smacked from his chest before everything went dark.

Daniel groaned and opened his eyes, trying to sit up. Strong arms grasped him and pressed him gently back down against the mattress beneath him.

"Careful, Son," Conrad Grayson said, holding him firmly in place. "You're a bit of a mess right now.

"Dad?" Even as he rasped it out, Daniel knew it couldn't be true! His father had been murdered months ago, stabbed to death. He struggled as he once again tried to sit up.

"Daniel, listen to your father, Dear," Victoria Grayson instructed, her voice kind, but clearly worried. "You'll be just fine."

Daniel blinked rapidly, waiting for his vision to clear. "What's wrong with my eyes?" His voice was hoarse and dry, and he could hear the fear ringing in his words.

"Danny, you're okay. Don't you remember being caught out in the storm? The doctor said your eyes are fine, just a little irritated by the wind and sand." Charlotte Grayson stood at the bottom of the bed, next to a stranger who was clearly dressed in the clothing of a nurse. Swinging his head slowly side to side, Daniel realized his parents were one on each side, his father leaning over him to hold him in place, and his mother sitting on the edge of the bed, holding his right hand tightly between her own.

His family. They were all there, and they were all worried about him. Was he going crazy?

"What happened to me?" he asked, speaking with more care. "Thirsty," he added.

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