The Badeaux family

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 Y\N Badeaux. A normal 14-year-old girl well of course besides the fact she's a witch, half-veela and is the most known wizard \veela family in France. 

Her mother Genevieve Badeaux was a mascot for quidditch and was well known for her generosity and her amazing teaching work at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. She was an amazing teacher as well as an amazing mom to her children. Her oldest  Giselle who was 17, Her middle child Y\N who was 14, her son Xavier who was 10 and her youngest daughter Colette who was 8. 

Her husband Oscar was a wizard famous for his work at the ministry in the wizardry world.

. They were wealthy, but a generous family. Well planned out, all kids being at the top of there classes, Y\N being only steps away from becoming a mascot for the Bulgarian Quidditch world cup just like her mom and sister were. Giselle already following her father's foots-steps into the ministry and Xavier being 2 classes above than normal 10 years old because of his intelligence and Colette who was the brightest witch-veela there was at Beauxbatons in the 1 year.

 Now in a little more detail about the family members {if you want you can skip these I just want to give some personality to the charecter}


Genevieve was a pure-blood veela in France famous because of her ancestors. She was a kind and generous woman but also a determent one. She was a mascot for the Bulgarian quidditch team and when she was 26 when she met Oscar Badeaux. He was a brother of a quidditch player so she met him at one of the more casual matches. It was love at first sight and after just 1 year they got engaged and married. They had their first daughter Giselle{In honor of her granmother} a year later and after her daughter turned two her mother quit her job and went to work at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic as a teacher. She was loved by all and lived in France with Oscar there. She always managed to contain her anger cause she was a pure-blood veela after all. You don't like them when they're angry so she was always calm and kind to everyone. She raised her daughters strictly, but lovingly.


Oscar was 28 when he met Genevieve due to his brother being on the quidditch team. They got married and had 4 kids and when Oscar was 30 he got the promotion he had been working for, for 10 years. He had the 2 best-payed place in the ministry of magic after studying at Hogwarts being a Ravenclaw and a head boy as well as a prefect and captain of the quidditch team. He then bought a mansion in France and lived there taking there kids to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic.


Giselle was a 17-year-old half-blood veela and half-blood witch. She was stunning and was the most popular girl at school. She had many friends and had a boyfriend of 3 years named Luis. She always wanted to work at the ministry of magic and decided to focus on that. She was although the mascot of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic quidditch team and all of the boys seemed to be drolling over her. She was smart, brilliant actually. The Head of her class never had a bad grade in her life and was already offered spots in the ministry even though she declined since she had to finish school first. Her dream was to start a family and work at the ministry of magic and how things were going in her life that dream was gonna come true.


Y\N was a 14-year-old girl same as Giselle being a half-blood veela\witch. She was popular in her 4 year there. She was single because she was mostly focusing on studies and friends. This year because of her good grades, looks, talent, and all in all amazingness she was allowed being a mascot for the 1994 official quidditch world cup against Ireland. She although was following in mother's footsteps as she loved Beauxbatons Academy of Magic so much she never wanted to leave. She was a ballerina and an amazing dancer. Though her life was perfect she still wanted to do something more. Like, win something to prove to her parents that shes not like everyone else. Her parents loved her but she was just like her sister, nothing special. Well, not to them at least.


 Xavier was a 10 year old in his 2 year. He was really smart and was quick and always spent his spare time studying in the ginormous library they had in their mansion. He was popular because of his parents but followed in his own footsteps to become an Auror. He had plans. Big ones.


Colette was an 8-year-old girl who was like her brother's grades above everybody else. She was in her first year at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and although she was younger she was top of the class. Her peers treated her the same even better if you ask me. She was a ballerina just like her sister but was really into music and her dream job was a professional musician.

They were a good well put together family. Oh, how their lives would change.

A\N Hey!! So this was more of a filler chapter so the next one will be more action. Should I continue this idk. Also, i dont know how Beauxbatons Academy of Magic works. Ive read about it but it didnt give me any information so I just hope it works like Hogwarts. Dont blame me if it doesnt okay? So yeah. I also REALLY wanted to make her Fleurs sister and have her meet Harry trhough Fleur who was married to bill so ya know ron bill ext. But I decided against it since I just felt it would be to boring. Yeah so see ya next chapter!


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