Cнα⅊тɛʀ 13 (edited)

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Warning: Murder in this chapter

Nora's P.O.V

‘I really want those Ralph and Russo vintage Pink Satin Eden pumps… The ones with rose gold leaves on the heels, ugh, I hate rich things.’ I was casually dreaming of the heavenly shoes until the sound of scraping chairs racked against the restaurant floor and I tuned in to hear Elijah speak.

“So, it’s a deal?” He pestered, standing tall from his chair, and watching Nick with a hard face. I hurried and forced myself to do the same, wondering what had happened throughout my daydreaming stupor during the entire professional discussion.

“You’ve got yourself a deal Cooper. You’re good at business negotiations, couldn’t say no to you”, Nick stood up and replied. He chuckled for a second before outstretching his hand and waiting for Elijah to meet him for a handshake.

“I wouldn’t be the CEO if I wasn’t good at my job”, my boss proudly responded, a smirk threading his face as they shook hands and parted. That explained why Elijah had bought the champagne, he knew he was going to get the offer. I smiled over at Nick’s assistant who I’d come to know was called Juliet. She faced me and returned the smile, nodding in my direction respectfully whilst we continued to stay quiet and let our bosses speak.

“I’ll contact your office and finalise the details of the contract later tomorrow, let me know if there’s any issues you want to go over before we sign it”, Nick commented and turned to me, giving me his hand to shake as well.

“Will do, I’ll have my PA on the look out for your email”, Elijah stated and shook Juliet’s hand beside me before she and her boss turned around and walked out of the restaurant to disappear from sight.

I liked Juliet, although we had both remained quiet and avoided getting involved in the discussion, we had made plenty of conversation through the art of facial expressions and body language. We pulled subtle faces at each other when the conversations were heating, and testosterone was building. She was polite, gentle, and hilarious. ‘Definitely a new friend that I’d take solace in and gladly work with in the future’, I recommended and sat back in my seat, watching Elijah do the same.

The long negotiations had me shifting uncomfortably in the chair and now that it was over, I noticed people passing by us and leaving the restaurant. In single file, each one of them headed out of the building and left to go home. I looked through the windows noticing the sky which had originally been bright now turning dark, the city lights cascading on the streets. I heaved in depression. I wanted to go home and rest from the exhaustion taking over my body, but Elijah refused to speak to me. Instead, he was analysing some files that Nick had handed him and was completely unaware of the time shift.

“Pardon me, but can I go home, sir?” I politely asked. I clasped my fingers together under the table, wishing for good luck but Elijah merely gazed up at me with that specific glint in his eyes, not replying, just studying me. ‘What did that look mean? Why did he always show me that look?’ I curiously questioned as Elijah returned to a stoic expression and returned to analysing his documents.

Bossy Vibes (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now