Hi I'm going to be talking about my life story. it all started when I was 6. me and my brother where leaving school are babysitter would pick us up everyday. but she wasn't there. then I look to my left and my dad is standing there crying. I ask what happened and he said my aunt was dead. and I said your jokeing right. he said no I started to cry. after that we whent to my cousins houes. After a month or tow my ancale stated to date again my cousin may and him would get in to fights ever day my ancale kicked her out on the streets so we toke her in then we stared to stop seeing them. it's not like we didint want to see him they didint want to see us. So a month go's by and he's getting marred to this girl named Michelle he didn't want us there but he wanted my cousin there but she needed to tell him something she was dateing he's best friend so they didint go anymore they move in together so there all good. Because she move out we moved to a new house and new school it was also my brithday a week Be for we started school so I was 7 I mate new friends I would go to my friend jacks houes all the time because he's dad wanted me there he stared to get weirder and weirder he wanted me to sit on him he wanted me to come i he's room I said no at frist but then he said if I didinthe would hurt my family or kill them so I went in he told my friends to go up stars because he wanted to talk with me so they did he pinned me down and raped me he tried to get me to wach porn and drink he's com but i didn't so he hit me and toke photo's of it and if I told anyone I would wach my family die in front of me. I didn't tell anyone 2 days later my mom tells me Jack's dad when to jail for doing something to a kid and I still haven't told anyone it's been 5 years they let him out of jail but he's not allowed to go near by my houes or the school so that's the good part but one night it was hellowen and me and my friends are going trink or treating and I had to go to he's houes he wasn't there but i coldint go in I stoped my friend zoe who knows about it when for me to get so wouldn't have too

My dark life
Non-Fictionthis is my first time talking about my dark past and how it hurt so much i hope u like it