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Iris was awoken by the sound of hushed voices from downstairs, with a quick glance at her twin sister who was still asleep in her bed, she snuck downstairs. As she got closer the words then became clearer.

"I am NOT letting our children get taken from us!" exclaimed her mother.
"Cindy... you know this may be the best choice for the two of them." said Iris's father.
"But any choice we make, we'll feel regret towards either because if we send them away, they'll forget us, this village, EVERYTHING! Cause of those darn potions, they'll never have a life here, there will be NO going back."
"You know they give those potions out to the children for a reason, we can't risk humans finding us here, and children do give too much information at times, so it's for the best."
"Mason, they'll never know their home again, never I tell you. How does that make you feel?!" He opened his mouth to reply but before he could there was a startled voice behind them.
"Mama, Papa? Where are me and Ivy
going? What potions? Iris asked wide eyed.
"Oh, sweetheart. Don't you worry about it. It's nothing that involves you or Ivy." She paused. "What are you doing awake right now? You should be asleep Go on now, get a good nights rest. Sweet dreams." As she spoke these words she came to realize her husband was right, she turned towards him once again, and spoke clearly.
"We should let them go, they have each other, if we won't be there to protect them, they'll protect each other."
"My love... I'm sorry, you won't like this, they must be ready to leave at sundown tomorrow."
"Alright, then we must spend as much time together as we can. I just want the best for our girls."
"As well as I, come, let's get to bed, we must sleep if we are to spend time with them tomorrow."


A bright beam of sunlight fluttered through the crack of the dark blue curtains, it glistened on Iris's face, as she blinked her eyes open. Iris heard Ivy finishing up in the restroom. Iris though to herself, Ivy must have woken up early or I must have been asleep for quite some time! Then with another sudden burst of shock she remembered the conversation between her Mama and Papa. Something was wrong. No. Something IS wrong. She just couldn't put her finger on it. Iris had been so lost in though that she didn't even realize Ivy now standing in front of her.
"Iris, are you alright? You look as though your mind is somewhere else."
"Mhm.. wait a second, what time is it?!"
"9:32, you looked pretty sleepy so I decided to let you sleep a little longer."
"What?! Everyone needs their sleep!! I was just trying to be a good big sister."
"Oh, you little- you aren't even that older, it was only by two minutes!"
"That still makes me older, dumb dumb!"
A stern voice sounded behind them before they could continue their little argument.
"What in Harmony's Hollow are you two yelling about?! I can hear you all the way from down stairs, you need to quiet down."
"Sorry, Mama!" Iris and Ivy both said faintly in chorus.
"It's alright, my fun sized sugar plums but little miss Iris needs to get ready, we are going somewhere special." She guided Ivy downstairs leaving Iris all alone.
Ps: Almost done with chapter one! It's a work and progress. I'll post that one when it's done!! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2020 ⏰

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