-1- Toga meets the L.O.V

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Hi this is my first story so please don't make fun of it even if it is bad (most likely will be)😅(italic is twice's other side/voice)

(Toga's POV)
What did I just do?! I..I killed him! His blood though..mmmmmm!

"Toga! What did you do everyone rushed to ge.." The teacher paused at the sight of her student's dead body, with Toga hovering above him while sucking his blood out of his wound.
"Kids, g-go outside!" The teacher yelled as she grabbed Toga before she could hurt anyone else.
"Hey, he still has blood left!" Toga complained
"So, I wanna finish his delicious blood!"
"Police, don't move!"
"I caught her sir, but s..she..." the teacher falls to the floor as Toga stabs her as well.
"Told ya to let me finish his blood, but you didn't let me, so I'll just take yours as well." Toga exclaimed, while cutting the teachers ante cubitali. (inside crease of elbow)
Soon after, Toga ended up under police custody and the incident hit the media.

"12 year old Himiko Toga kills and drinks the blood of 13 year old Yoki Tomaka. Then kills and drinks the blood of her teacher, Maronia Kokashi. This event occurred at Simarona middle school on October 22. She drank his and her's blood due to an uncontrollable craving for blood, which was encouraged by her quirk, transformation. She drinks the blood of a person and can become that person, but can only be that person for a certain amount of time which varies on him much blood she drinks. Once she transforms, she can also use that persons quirk. Due to her age she wasn't sentenced more than 22 years."
"In other news, Hosu city had yet another murder last ni..
The tv shuts off.
"Alright you got what you wanted back to your cell." The officer said while setting down the remote.
"But the reporter was starting up about a murder, and in Hosu!" Toga complained
"To bad girly, your privileged as it is, your leaving in 22 years which is not long for murder but your to young for any longer time sentence."
"Fine." Toga whined.
Toga and the guard started to head back to the cell area, when a purple fog formed in front of her and the officer.
"What the hell is th.."
The officer was cut off as a blue flame came out of the purple fog, and a man in a black suit fits a half gray-half black mask jumped out of the fog.
"We're with the league of villains, so if you wanna get out of here come on!" The man exclaimed.
All the guards had gathered together and started to shoot at Toga and the man.
"Come on, it's now or never!"
"Yeah, not like we got all day!"
Toga and the man quickly go through the purple fog, ending up in a dimly lit bar with only a few others. As soon as they reach the bar the purple fog closes behind them. (it was actually not fog but a portal quirk which is why it closed not cleared)
"We are the league of villains. And we saw your scene on tv. We were so impressed by your skills at such a young age, we chose to recruit you. But the decision is yours, I assume you're already aware of your options."
Toga was aware, she knew prison for longer since she escaped, hiding, or these guys.
"Well first of all what are all of your names, can't just say hi person to possible partners."
"She's not wrong you know, well gonna start? Yeah yeah, I'm twice the one who saved you."
Twice (Jin)
Quirk: Double
Double allows Jin to create a copy of anything, two at a time, through touch.

"I work as the ^transportation^of the league, my names Kurogiri."

Quirk: Warp Gate
Using this Quirk, Kurogiri can create and manipulate a dark fog that acts as a portal.

" I'm the leader of the L.O.V, Shigaraki, and that burnt chicken nugget over there is Dabi."

Tomura Shigaraki (Tenko Shimura)
Quirk: Decay
Decay allows Tomura to destroy anything his hands or feet touch, making it crumble to dust.

Quirk: Cremation
Dabi can ignite blue fire anywhere on his body with minimal effort or movement almost instantaneously.

"Well, in my opinion Shigiraki, you're just Mr.Anti-chapstick and yes, Dabi is a burnt chicken nugget." Toga exclaims.
"She's not wrong, at least she can joke around like us, good to have another jokester around." Twice agrees.
"So, will you be joining our group?" Kurogiri asks trying to seal the deal.
"This is a very small group but hey why not, I don't have anywhere better to go."
"Actually this is only a part of the league. Just we are the main few." Kurogiri explains
"Since your one of us, you will be in the Vanguard action squad of the league of villains; once you become a good enough villain for that position that is."
"But you will have to train since you dropped out of school, and learn basics still, but Twice and Dabi can help with that.
"Well then, when does training begin?" Toga asks excitedly.
(I just wanted to remind whoever reads this that this is just for fun for now so I won't post like every week. I will do my best to get something out when I can to keep the story going though. Thanks 😊)

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