Chapter 4

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Alex was actually 8 along with two of his friends and Lexi was 6 along with Harper and Elijah when they left the Red Blood Pack also the pack name is not Blood Rose Pack it is Red Blood Pack.
===================Alex pov
So once Nate left I got up and mind link the girls and boys, 'yo can we go on our run now' I ask them 'yeah can we' Ava and Harper ask 'yeah I've been dieing to run with out anyone seeing what rank I'm truly am" Lucas says 'yeah same' Elijah says, 'yes we can go on that run, we will meet at the back of the pack house' the Luna tells us and we all say 'ok we will meet you there', thank the goddess cause Nate piss me off bringing those good but sad memories back, but just like that I head to the back of the pack house.

When we all got there they change into their wolves and I change into my wolf first and I realize when we turn the corner that we were under Nate's window I look up to see him looking at me so I turn around and run into the woods with everyone behind me, when we were out of sight I changed into De ~yes finally~ •oh so your happy now or what• ~yes I am happy,and I definitely can't wait for your birthday in a few weeks your going to be 18 and plus your going to find your mates~ •wait did you just say mates with a (s) meaning more then one• ~yeah you didn't know that you have five mates~ •you know what I'm done talking to you for the night• ~ok goodnight I will wake you up when we're heading back~ •good now good night• and with those last words I was sleep.

De, pov
Finally I have been waiting for this all day, I wonder how Alex will react when he sees his five mates are all different speics, I bet it's going to be the most funny thing I've seen yet.

I'm getting tried and we've been running around for about two hours, I woke Alex up and let him take control •Oh it's time to head back already•
~no I'm just getting tried~ •oh so you letting me get control• ~yeah~ •oh okay bye• ~ok goodnight~and right there and then I feel him into himself and I was out.

Alex pov

De let me get control and I am so so! confused because he is suppose to be a Lion and aren't Lions are the kings of the jingle or are those tigers, never mind that just makes my head hurt.

Well since I'm in control I might as well ask what I've been thinking all day as we all head back and change into our human form and since we are alone and it's about one in the morning I've decided to speak, "So, um Luna Belle, don't the Alpha needs approval from the next in line Alpha to move in a pack house if the pack is dead?" I ask her as we walk upstairs.

"um baby that's the thing your father the Alpha of the Red Blood Pack is alive and your pack was in a fight with another pack and lost some warriors so this pack is joining them along with another pack" wait what?

"So what you are saying is: my father has been alive for 11 years and never bother to come get me" I comment and she stayed quiet so I just run up my room into my bed then fell asleep thinking that the men didn't want me to know his alive and probably mated with kids with his other mate Lola.

She left when I was 7 along with my brothers and sisters cause she had to do something for her clan you see she is a witch.

           < on Friday >

I had to wake up early cause I had to pack the last thing and make the pack breakfast, after I finished packing I head  downstairs to the kitchen with my last suitcase to smell food being cook.

When I look in the kitchen I saw Ava and Lucas making breakfast for the first time in 3 years since they were banned from cooking in here, "um good morning, what are you guys doing" I said without thinking, thank the goddess everyone is still sleep or in the living room, I heard Ava say something first "making breakfast, what does it look like we're doing" "I see that but last time you almost burnt down the kitchen" I tell them "yeah but since this our last time in here until we run back to our old pack with our new pack the Alpha said we can cook today" she said 'our old pack' because Ava, Lucas, Harper, Elijah, and I are from the same pack and we run away together along with my sister after the war I  nod my head instead of saying anything cause I heard someone coming.

"Morning omegas" Three girls we all like to call whores sometimes "good morning girls and boys" the Luna says as she walk in with Harper, Elijah, Blake, Jason, and Nate behind her, "that's a horrible thing to say since you have to share a van and a limo with us omegas" Elijah says coming to sat down "OK I NEED EVERYONE IN THE VANS AND LIMOS NOW! ALSO LEXI,ALEX  AND HIS  FOUR OMEGAS FRIENDS WILL BE SEATING IN THE LIMO WITH THE BATAS AND ME AND MY WIFE" why do he always yell don't he know we are all werewolves so he doesn't need to yell every time he open his mouth.

(A/N) this is actually something close to what I keep saying about the principal f my high school, because she comes on the intercom every hour.

We all head to the limo with Nate, Blake, and Jason walk in front of us after they showed us which limo we are riding in they decided they will drive Nate's car just because Nate didn't want to leave his baby, as we got in and sat down I hear Alexia say something to me, "Um Alex can I seat next to you" she ask I nodded my head and she walk and seat down next to me and put her hands around my waist and her head on my shoulder.

"Alex I don't want to go back" she says crying because the last time she was there she was almost rape in her sleep she was only 6 and I was actually rape more then three times when I was 7, I have decided to speak because I'm going to have to speak once we get to the pack house "I know little sis I don't want to go back either" as I say that almost crying, I saw everyone look at us in shock "h-he spoke" the Bata say (Blake father) "I thought he doesn't speak" the gemma said (Jason father) "yes he speaks. He been speaking since he was born now shut up" the Alpha say, and they all go back to their business "how will the pack look if their Alphas are dead" oh shot I forgot she didn't know "um lexy" I say and she looks at me with tears in her eyes.

"You spoke to me and called me Lexy you haven't done that in a long time and you only do that when something is up" she tells me "our father is alive" I said to her "w-what that's not possible we saw him get killed by another Alpha" "he is and when we get there I don't want you to say anything to him about that or anything that happened before we left okay don't tell him" I ask her and she says okay and falls asleep.

"You ok" Lucas ask as the four look at me "yeah I'm ok" if they knew about the rape their fathers took place in they will hate their fathers even if they should, their still family and with that last thought I felled asleep.

6 hours later

I woke up to the limo stopping in front of the pack house and we all got out, when we got in the house we saw our pack looking around I walk in the door with Alexia glued to my side but she's sleep still.

I made it to the front to see my father, Lola, and my brothers and sisters talking to my Alpha and Luna. "So how are you Victor it's been a long time haven't it" our luna say "well yes it has. Now where are my children that are in your pack that my dead mate had" he didn't just say that with that thought I move from behind Nate and Jason who are with their girlfriends for Alpha Victor to see us, "A-Alexander, Ale-" my father said as if he didn't say anything about my mama "don't say anything just tell me if my stuff is still in the same room as well as Lexy" I say and he nod his head as I walk pass him I say the words "never speak like that about my mother" and with that last say I walk up to my old room to see all my stuff is put in the right place meaning someone put all my stuff from the old pack house in here.

As I lay Lexi down she grab my arm and pulled me down on the bed with her "hold me and stay with me while I sleep" with saying anything else I lay down with her holding her while falling asleep.


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