Chapter 5

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I follow Tyler to the kitchen where Caroline and some of her friends are hanging out. "Elena! Oh my God you came," she squeals "Did your parents agree to let you come?" I take a deep breath. This entire scene is overwhelming. Lexi and Stefan are leaning against the counter each with a bottle of whisky in their hand, while Rebekah is sitting on the counter with a bottle of beer. The smell of alcohol is so strong that I almost gag. I quickly pull myself together when I notice that Stefan is shirtless....and staring right at me. Oh my gosh, he's so hot.

Before I know what's happening, I'm being dragged to the freezer. Caroline pulles out a bottle of strawberry vodka and starts pouring it into a plastic cup. "Here! Drink!" she yells over the music as she hands me the red cup. I take a deep breath. This is bad, this is very bad. I gently take the cup from her and take a small sip. I gag as the vodka hits my tongue. Holy heck that's strong! "Just take one huge sip and swallow it fast," Lexi says, while sipping from her beer. "It's easier to down that way." I decide to try Lexi's tip. I put the cup to my lips and gulp down two huge sips. I stumble forward a step as the alcohol rushes to my head. Since I'm here I might as well make the best of it! I finish the strawberry vodka and quickly get handed another glass of it. Pretty soon I'm playing drinking games with Caroline, Tyler, Rebekah, Lexi, Klaus and two guys named Kol and Damon. I notice Stefan standing on the sideline watching us, but I'm too wasted to do anything about it.

A few hours later, I've forgotten all my worries about coming here in the first place. I'm dancing with lots of other people in Tyler's living room. I take a step to my left and accidentally step on someone's foot. "I am so sorry!" I yell, and then I realise it's Stefan Salvatore standing beside me. "It's fine," he says "Do you want to dance with me?" I smile at his request. "Of course I'll dance with you." We start dancing and within seconds we've found a rhythm where we don't step on each others feet. "This is the first time we've interacted with each other! Funny, huh?" I don't know why I said funny, I just think it is. "Shut up and dance." he grumbles in reply. Always short answers, huh? Wat would you do, if I do this? Without properly thinking about it, I lean in and kiss him. To my surprise, he kisses me back. I wrap my arms around his neck as I melt into that heavenly kiss. That's the last thing I remember when I wake up naked in a strangers bed.

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