Dare to be Different

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Growing up gay, it's terrible. It wasn't good at all. People teased, humiliated and bullied you because you are a little different.

Eventhough we are all living in the 21st century, many people are still homophobic. These homophobic people compasses a range of negative attitudes and feelings towards homosexuality or people  who are identified or perceived as being part of the LGBTQ+ community.  They show a dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people.

Your 'dislike','fear' or 'hatred' towards gay or homosexual people may be expressed through  name-calling, shunning, mocking, verbal or physical harassment or acts of discrimination. Being homophobic is as bad as being anti-feminist, or being racist.  Homophobia is technically sexism. If you cannot accept a person's gender preference (or non-preference) and don't behave justly with them, you disturb the spirit of equality amongst all living beings.

For those of you thinking, 'If I keep my opinions to myself, then why is me being homophobic so bad?' well if you did keep your opinions to yourself, you would not have to ask that question in the first place. Perhaps it wasn't through stating your views but showing by your behavior how you feel. Your biased reactions, comments, or expressions might make a homosexual person uneasy or hate themselves.

You need to know that coming out for a gay person is not a simple task. Their parents might kick them out, they might lose their job, they get teased and laughed at, and they might not be accepted by their friends or even family. Imagine your family disowning you because you love someone who is of the same sex as you, or imagine being disown by your family who are supposedly to be your love ones because you love someone. How can we all be so sick? Why can't we all be down to Earth??

Growing up gay is suffocating and it is a traumatic experience in and on itself

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Growing up gay is suffocating and it is a traumatic experience in and on itself. Despite the obvious interactions with homophobia that every gay is bound to encounter, it's just like your family or even close friends never truly know who you are or what you're interested in because the gay experience is about protecting your identity or interests before everything else, so by the time you grow up, even your parents, and friends, no matter how accepting they think they are, have no inkling about who you really are as a person. And that's just a super lonely and exhausting way to exist within a family or a social circle. It's like you feigned your life putting up a sham.

Also, most of the time, it sucks being gay and not only are you normal touch starved, you're ultra touch-starved cause you get stressed about touching your friends for fear that it'll make them uncomfortable or they'll think it's weird and maybe, just maybe even disgusted by it.

Moreover, for most people, being gay isn't really their choice.
Did you choose to be straight? As a teenager, did you choose to sit down oneday and decide whether to be attracted to boys or girls.
Who would want to put themselves in a situation where everybody judge? Where almost every people are treating them like filth? Who would want to drag themselves in this kind of place where you don't know whether you should tell the world who you really are as a person and be treated differently or whether you should keep it to yourself your whole life and hide who you are and fake your own oneself? Nobody in their right mind would drag themselves into these type of situations.

Be good, and loving to people, be kind, caring, and everything along those lines. Don't make the world a living hell for them. God loves us all. He will accept us all, each and everyone of us. You don't have to worry about it. They're your fellow beings. Their sexual orientation does not make them non-human or incapable of their work and jobs. They're capable of everything. They Dare to be different and that's something every living person should be proud of. Dare to be different. Everyone should be happy for them and accept them because I bet they have a hard time accepting themselves too.
If a friend, relative, co-worker, classmate or any other acquaintance, or literally anyone comes out, you support them. Don't cringe or walk away. Don't tell them it's just a phase. Don't make them feel unwanted, unloved or any less human. They deserve to be treated equally and they deserve all the love and happiness the world has to offer. In fact, we all deserve it. We're all worth it.<3

To a whole new revolution around The Sun and The Moon and to the new layers of truth being revealed from all the lessons that will come along with it. God bless.

Love only,
Dorothy Hanghal Jauregui <3

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