The Assassin and the Highbreed

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My famly as always been a mystery to me but i dont care why
should i they're the ones who left me to take care of myself i dont

even know if they did it because they couldn't take care of me are is

that they just didnt want me in the first place so they just decide its

best if they left me on somebody doorstep but whatever am happy

with the family that they so gave me and i couldnt wish for more.


Amora we need you for the next mission because well your more skillful than everyone here" my dad said.

" ok dad i will be right on it just tell me what the mission is about and who should i kill" i replied to him

" Amora.......

"Yes dad? What did i do this time" i hissed

" we are at the office.... and what did i tell you not to call me when we are at the office amora. He hissed back

Just catching on to my mistake that i didnt really call a mistake for all i know he is my father so i dont see why i shouldn't call hi that whereverwe go it just doesn't make any sense to at all,  but of course i cant say that to him unless am wishing to be at my own funeral anytime soon i should just say his office name psshhhh.

"yes general clancy.. i will be preparing for my mission now if i have the information" i replied trying to have manners.

God knows that the hardest thing to do when i wasnt born with any,plus i dont like to take orders i give then but my poor old dad wont be so happy if i said that to his face..... yes yes am the world's most deadliest assassin but i can't say that to my father talk about whipped in my opinion.

" first of all for this mission your not going to kill anyone an-

"Hold up a second am not going to be killing anyone nobody at all not even a fly so why the hell am i going on this mission then if i wont be harming anybody da.. general clancy".

"If you would've shut up and let me finish you would've already know.. now where was oh yes you wont be killing anybody amora not even a fly or an ant you are going undercover for information on our target so that we will know exactly whats going down, in 2 days you will leave to go work for him as his assistant so i think that will be much quicker for you to get the information, and the reason why we are sending you is because you're the best person for the job".

"I dont see why nobody else couldn't of done that...... getting simple information from somebody kresssh. i mumbled

"I heard that young lady this is your mission so you best be getting ready end of discussion.

"Am so not happy about this me being an assistant who in the world like taking orders i cant even do that and you guys are sending me to be an assistant couldnt i be someone like an cilent are business partner.... no i have to be the god damn assistant. I said walking out of the meeting room

Do even get to carry weapons i bet i wont be if i wont be killing anyone, omg am going to die if not somebody else how can they do this to me bunch of idiots i so dont like them at the moment but watever i hope this can hurry up and finish.

"Amora" i turned about just in time to see chris runny towards me
"yes how my i help on this fine day chris?

"Your mission wont be in the country... omg you walk fast how are so quick god i wish i could be as quick as you.... chris went on rambling

"Chris back on the topic at hand where will i be going for my mission" i said half shouting

"Oh yah sorry about that i just cant help it sometimes it just happens but yah where was i ahh yes your mission will be in Italy so i think you will be having fun there" he said with a smile

"O.ok thanks chris"

" no problem @just have fun at least..... alright then later" he said runny off to god who knows where.

Ohhh great now am going in a country, to a company that most person there will be speaking Italian and i cant speak that language,, god this is going to be tough one.

So hey ya peps how you all like my book so far yes i love to write but this is the first book i have written to be publish to ever possible eye so yah tell how this chapter was, wont be able to update ever day so i will see which and which day i can update😊😊😊😊 bye

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