Ch.1 The Old Studio

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Why did I agree to this...? Oh right... they offered me 100 bucks if I went with them. Jeez I'm so stupid, something bad is gonna happen and I know it.

Me and my friends, (f/n) 1 and (f/n) 2 , decided that it would be a flipping good idea if we check out the old, abandoned, probably haunted studio. I knew this was a bad idea the moment we got into the car and started driving towards the studio. I had a bag with me filled with a blanket, a book, headphones, my phone, and a fox plushie just in case I get an anxiety attack or something, the plushie was from my mom gave me before she... ya know... and my dad always drank a lot. He would never hurt me, he would mostly cry in the living room. The only reason why I avoid home was because I couldn't stand the stench of wine and I hated it.

I felt the car come to a stop and instantly knew why. "We're here!!!" (f/n) 1 said, yep... where at the possible haunted studio. I internally screamed on the inside when (f/n) 2 opened the door and dragged me to the front door of the studio. I saw how the wood that made up the studio looked old and damp of ink, it definitely has seen better days. The door was the exact same as the rest of the wood here and (f/n) 1 slowly opened the door wide open, I was surprised that the door didn't made a single creak since it seemed so old and unused for a long time. 

We entered the studio and been greeted by a hallway with posters on each side, the door closed itself and that startled me a bit. (f/n) 2 was the one to break the comforting silence "Hey... about we split up and search around the place?" (f/n) 1 nodded while I stood shakily, not liking the idea but before I could protest, my friends left me all alone. I decided to make the best of it and just started to wonder around. I walked around for a few minutes then I found myself near a room called 'The Ink Machine' so I decided to enter only to see more ink and chains that lead to what seem like a bottomless abyss. You found two power batteries and placed them in their containers and used the switch. The chains went up and I saw a big machine which I assume was the ink machine rise from the darkness.

I wondered how to turn the machine on. I went back to the main room to see my two friends messing with a reel. I walk past them and continued walking until I was with a choice, to either go left or right. I decided to go to the left but instantly regretted my decision because in the room on the left, I saw a dead Boris strapped on the table with X's for eyes. I felt like screaming but I couldn't but I did feel a bit of tears on my cheeks and wiped them away before any of my friends notice. I walked to the room on the right and found six pedestals, three on each side. They had pictures behind each pedestal and a lever that said 'low pressure' beside it. I have already seen most of these items already so hopefully this won't be long.

I noticed a tape recorder on a shelf and listen to it. Apparently this guy named "Wally Franks" says that Joey created the Ink Machine and he also said that he created the pedestals and the items needed on them to help 'appease the gods' or whatever the hell he was talking about the name Joey was familiar to me but I just shrugged it off. I gathered all of the items and placed them on the pedestals. I went to turn on the flow but not after I got jump scared by a Bendy cut out and a projection turning on suddenly, then I was able to turn on the 'Flow' for the machine. Ink splatted onto the ground and I made my way back to the pedestal room and flipped the switch. I realized that I haven't seen my friends for a while but just thought they were exploring another part of the studio so I just continued on with what I was doing and went to the ink machine.


??? POV

I sense three people enter the studio... Two of them seem like young adults while the other was a bit younger... yet she seemed familiar to me... I decided to watch the younger for a bit, she saw my dead best friend... Boris on the table... she was crying a bit... Weird? I thought humans don't show sympathy or guilt to ink creatures... 'She's probably showing worthless pity... No human would ever feel bad for the any creature here...' I thought as I continued watching her from the shadows.

After a while, I heard the voices of the other two humans and went to see what they were on about. "We should just go... There's nothing interesting here anyway..."(f/n) 1 said in a bored tone (wait... so you guys didn't see that FREAKING DEAD BORIS ON THE- ya know I'm not gonna question it) "Alright then I'll call (y/n) an-" (f/n) 2 said but was cut off by (f/n) 1 "No... Don't bother... She can find her way home by herself, lets just go" and with that, they left the studio, leaving the youngest of them behind... abandoning her... 'So... (y/n) is the girl's name then huh... Her friends seem awfully...delighted... just leaving her like that... but what did I expect? They're humans after all, they have no heart but... this girl.... She probably doesn't deserve this... I mean... she hasn't done anything wrong so far... ugh... what am I thinking?! She's a human she'll probably do something bad eventually, they always do... but... why do I feel pity for this... worthless human?! Maybe it was the fact that she was betrayed and abandoned by her so called 'friends'...

Hehe.... how about we pay this girl a visit and see what she's really like when it comes to the Ink Demon... a small part of me hopes that she isn't like that blasted Joey Drew... but you never know... looks are always deceiving...

One little jumpscare wouldn't hurt... right?~


This is my first ever story so sorry if it's bad and point out any grammer mistakes so I can fix them please and comments are appreciated 

please and thank you and enjoy 

E.S out

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