Part 1 - Fantasy 1

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You are Olive, a wizard living in the kingdom of Larion. You have a staff and a spellbook. You finish your long journey and finally arrive at the ruin you've been looking for. You look around and see that it's not much different than when you left it. There is a large hole in the ground where the road once was, but there is no sign of anything else. 

 > You approach the ruin. The first thing you notice is how cold it is out here. The sun has set and the night sky looks like it will be completely dark soon. A small silver object shines brightly in the wake of the moon. It's only a candle, but it's enough to light up the darkness. You walk over to it cautiously. "I'm glad I found this place," 

 > You grab the candle. You grab the candle and hold it close to your face. You can't see too well through all this snow, so you don't know what kind of creature might be lurking about. > You start walking north. You begin walking north. You find yourself going deeper into the wilderness, until you reach a frozen lake. The water seems very deep, perhaps even bottomless. > You walk around the lake. You stand on the shore of the lake and look around. Nothing moves or makes any noise. You watch as the ice melts away from beneath you, revealing more land below. This area is known as "the forest."

 > You enter the forest. You enter the forest. It's fairly quiet, save for the occasional rustling of leaves and the sounds of birdsong. You continue walking until you come across something strange.

 > You say "What the hell..?" You turn around and look behind you. You're standing in a cave, but it's filled with an unnatural green glow. 

 > You say "What's going on?!" You quickly turn back around and try to figure out what's going on. What do you do? This question is answered when you hear a voice coming from inside the cave. > You wake up. You slowly open your eyes and stare at the ceiling. A man stands before you, dressed in black robes. He has a long beard and wears a crown made of bones. 

 > You try to attack him with fire. You raise your hand and attempt to cast a fireball at the man. Unfortunately, he catches it and throws it back at you. He raises his hands and begins chanting something. 

 > You say "Who are you? What is this?!" You try to speak again, but nothing comes out. You feel like you've been doused in acid. Your vision blurs and then goes black. When you wake up, you're once again in the ruin, but it's daytime. The silver candle lay next to you. The man who stood before you was no longer there. You looked down at the candle and saw that it had burned itself out. 

 > You say "Jesus christ, never doing that again." You pick up the candle and toss it aside. You notice that you have a new ability now. You can control flames! How useful... 

 > You walk north. You decide to go north. You see a large tree growing in front of you. You walk towards it, hoping that it will lead you somewhere good. 

 > You climb the tree. You begin climbing the tree. As you get closer to the top, you notice that there are two other people standing nearby. They seem to be watching you intently. 

 > You say "What are you looking at?" You stop climbing the tree and turn around. You see two men wearing black robes staring at you. One of them looks angry, while the other seems sadistic. You suddenly realize that these two men look very similar to the evil man from your dream. In a panic, you begin climbing the tree faster. You reach the top of the tree and find yourself in a cavern. There are several stone pillars surrounding you. On one pillar sits a human-like creature, with long white hair and red eyes. 

 > You say "Stop doing this!!" You grab the pillar and pull it away from the ground. It breaks into pieces as you do so, sending chunks flying everywhere. "Hah!" The creature laughs. 

 > You say "Why are you doing this to me?!" You turn around and run for the exit. However, you don't make it far when you hear a loud noise. You fall off the pillar and onto the floor below. Everything fades to black, and you are suddenly on the grass again. You say "What the hell is going on? Why are you doing this to me?!" The two men above you stay silent. Suddenly, they both raise their hands up high into the air. A bright light shines through the hole in their palms and engulfs you completely.

> You start running. You try to escape, but you aren't fast enough. Your body is burned to ashes and you are gone forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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