Cнα⅊тɛʀ 14 (edited)

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Nora's P

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Nora's P.O.V

They say that a person who’s been affected by trauma experiences flashbacks, panic attacks, and dissociation. From the moment I woke up and got out of my bed I was relieving those scenes, each one as vibrant and detailed as it was when that incident happened. No amount of time spent in the shower could evaporate those incessant feelings. I could switch the water from hot to cold and those memories would linger to the point where my heart raced, and my breathing became louder, my environment shifting to resemble that of the dark empty street with its staining street lamps and that cursed Mercedes.

All the noises in the house, the bustling of people and the high pitch wheezing from the kettle, the toaster popping with a bell chime and the neighbour’s dog barking outside, they were all too much. I was trembling, for seconds at a time feeling chills rush through my spine and then the next second the burning sensation of lava flickering against my skin. I was sweating only mere seconds after leaving the shower and changing out of my towel to stand naked in a room that I hoped would cool me down.

My breathing turned ragged whenever I lost myself, I was sure that I was choking, and the added sensation of nausea was making bile tickle the back of my throat. My chest kept constricting just like it had that night when I thought I’d feel death welcoming me into their open arms.
‘Where was I?’ I constantly asked myself. After I had showered, I remembered placing a sweet purple dress on my body, the feeling of the zipper being pulled to the top and secure against my back. ‘Was I definitely still alive or was this the matrix or a parallel universe?’ I remembered walking down to the kitchen, the smell of food wafting through the air. My movements were foggy, sitting at the table and munching on food that tasted strangely of cardboard. ‘I feel light, like as if I’m in a movie theatre watching my story unfold on a screen, maybe I’m a ghost.’ Mom had greeted me, and I was sure I was supposed to do something the moment I saw her but whatever it was meant to be, I couldn’t remember. ‘If I touched my family, would they feel the pressure of my skin, or would I pass by them and just disappear?’ Breakfast was a distant process which constituted of mom and Nina discussing school, I knew that there was a minute of Nina mentioning a guy she had a crush on but after that…

“Ma’am? Hello? Excuse me, miss?” A voice was ringing in my ear, but I couldn’t pinpoint where it was coming from and who it belonged to.

“Hey lady, we’ve reached the destination. That’ll be—”

Everything snapped back into perspective. My body jolted into an upright position, and I warily looked around me. We were at a standstill on the side of the road, Coopers Incorporation was towering over us, and the sound of cars sped by us with one every so often honking in rage at the maniac driving of the rest. I turned to look around me, noticing the distinct black colour of a uber car and the tight-lipped glare of a man I presumed was my driver.

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