Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

        "Do you want to help me put the decorations up?"

        I rolled my eyes at my mom. I hate this time of the year. It's too festive and happy. Everyone just needs to stop.

        "No, Mom. I didn't last year, and I still don't this year," I said, turning back to my video games. I heard her sigh.

        My mom is Santa's daughter, which makes him my grandfather. She absolutely loves the green and red holiday, but I detest it. I don't have a specific reason. I just do.

        "Well, then, no presents for you," she finally said. "I'll tell Santa you were naughty and you won't get anything you want."

        She knows saying that will make me get up. "Fine," I relented. Just because I put up a few ornaments doesn't mean I have to like it.

        I saw her smile. For some reason, she loves it when I help her. Probably because I'm her only child. Sometimes I wish for a sibling, just to have someone to talk to, but then I remember how much of an asshole my father is and decide against it. Mom doesn't need someone else like that in her life.

        She started by stringing the lights up onto the tree. I brought one side of them back around to her side, until we were finished with the rainbow colored lights.

        "This looks good the way it is," I said. "Can't we just leave the lights there and not put any ornaments on it?" Mom looked at me with a mock glare.

        "Oh, stop complaining, honey," she said. "We will be done in no time."

        After she said that, we didn't talk for awhile. She took the ornaments out of the boxes and put a hanger on them while I put them all on the tree. It's like this every year. Mom and I putting up the tree together.

        When we were all finished, the tree looked like something you would see in Santa's living room. A perfect image of Christmas. It disgusted me.

        "Doesn't this look nice?" Mom asked, looking at our handiwork. "I think you did a better job this year."

         I didn't reply, just sat back down on the couch. I heard a little ding, and looked over to my phone. My best friend, Kariss, sent me a text message.

        Is it okay to come over now?

        I sent her one back, Yeah, I'm not busy.

        Mom glanced at me. "Is that Kariss?" she asked. Mom knows I have a girl best friend. I have guy friends, too, but Kariss and I just connect better than anyone else.

        "Yeah," I answered. "She's coming over for dinner."

        She smiled. Mom loved Kariss. When Mom was my age, she loved to play matchmaker, and I get the feeling that she still does. She probably wants Kariss and I to get together.


        "Kariss!" my mom exclaimed. "Welcome, come in! How are you?"

        "I'm fine, thank you," Kariss said, smiled, and stepped in the door. She looked over at me, and I took the time to check her out.

        She wore a red winter coat and jeans, with diamond earrings. Her blond hair was pulled back into two braids, and her green eyes stared at me happily. She's really hot, I have to admit, but I would never think of taking advantage of her like that. We're friends and nothing more.

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