the new ranch hand

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a/n: OMG, thank you sooooooo much to @TheBrunettesClub on Wattpad for this AMAZING cover, credit for the cover background, title and quote goes to her, I added my username, the small graphic and the two pictures up top. Please check out her stories, they are great! 

Skylar's pov 

hi, my name is Skylar Gardiner, I'm 15 years old and I live on my family's ranch in a SUPER small town called walnut grove Texas, my dad's best friend from high school is a probation officer so every year, one of his clients comes to our ranch to do work and learn some good values to hopefully get their lives back on track, today we are getting another client of his and I'm really excited to meet them 

I get dressed and go to the kitchen where my family is, my brothers Lucas and Jacob, my sisters Hayley, Allie Mandy, Lindsay, Abby and Lucy along with mom and dad 

dad:" morning filly "

a/n: that's what her dad calls her 

I walk over to him and kiss his cheek 

s:" morning daddy "

dad:" can you show our new ranch hand the ropes around here, he's just a little older than you so your the one he'll probably listen to the most "

Lindsay:" he? "

dad:" yeah, Clint doesn't have any more girl clients so I said he could send us a boy "

s:" sure, I'll show him the ropes "

dad:" thank you, let me know if he tries anything with you "

s:" if I can tame out of control horses I'm pretty sure I can handle a hormonal teenage boy "

Jacob:" well Lucas and I won't hesitate to kick his ass if he tries anything with you "

I roll my eyes and check my phone for a reply from Noah, still nothing, Noah is a football player at my school, he acts just like the rest of them in school but outside of school, he's actually really sweet, I've had a crush on him since 7th grade but his girlfriend is the queen bee of the school and she torments me, over the 4 years I've had a crush on Noah, every time him and Victoria got into a fight or broke up, he would always call me and ask me to come and I always do because I keep thinking that I might actually have a chance with him, if I'm his shoulder to cry on then maybe he'll fall for me, but when they aren't having issues he basically ignores me, people keep telling me he's using me as a lonely call and playing with my heart but what else am I supposed to do, all the boys that are my age in this town either pick on me because I love horses, they call me horse girl, or I'm not pretty enough for them so as you can see, I don't have many other options 

Lindsay:" Noah again? "

she must have noticed the sad look on my face 

I nod 

Jacob:" I don't know why you put up with him, you deserve so much more than to be someone's lonely call " 

I narrow my eyes at him 

s:" well for one we're friends and second of all, it's not like I have other options, all the boys my age in this town call me horse girl "

Jacob:" still, you deserve better "

s:" thanks but I need to go do my chores "

I go out to the barn and to my horse's stall, her name is majesty and she's my best friend, even me and my human friends don't have a bond like we have, I can't explain it, I trust majesty with my life and she trusts me with hers, she was a wild horse that I found one day while I was out riding, she was hurt, I nursed her back to health and the rest is history 

as I'm hanging up her buckets of food and water she nudges me with her nose making me chuckle 

s:" sassy today are we? "

she neighs

s:" go ahead, eat up "

I start to groom her while she eats, but as she always does, she noticed something was upsetting me by my energy and looks at me 

s:" it's ok girl, just Noah ignoring me again "

she gives me a look saying ' you should have known this would happen... Again '

s:" don't give me that look, I can't help the way I feel "

I see Clint's car pull up so I try to hurry and finish my chores 

dad's pov 

d:" hey man, how are you doing? "

Clint:" good, besides these kids giving me greaf, "

d:" guess that comes with being a probation officer huh? "

c:" oh you have no idea "

we both laugh 

c:" anyway, this is Austin "

a:" sup "

d:" hey Austin, nice to meet you, I'm James " 

a:" didn't exactly have a choice to come, it was either this or jail time "

d:" well we'll make you feel welcome "

a:" I'm sure you will "

the rest of my family goes inside with Clint to make him breakfast when I hear Austin whistle and I notice he's looking Skylar 

a:" who's the babe? "

d:" that " babe" is my daughter and you will stay 6 feet away from her at all times and any part of you that crosses that line will be removed, are we clear "

a:" crystal "

d:" good "

then we go inside 

Skylar's pov 

after I finish feeding, watering, grooming the horses and mucking out their stalls, I go inside, when get in there, there is insanely attractive boy standing in my kitchen, he has wavy brown hair with a streak of red along with beautiful hazel eyes, when he sees me I nearly jump out of my skin 

a:" hey there princess "

for some reason my heart nearly jumped out of my chest at his nickname for me 

s:" * clears throat * don't call me that " 

a:" oooh feisty, I like it * wink * " 

I chuckle 

s:" I'm Skylar "

a:" Austin "

we go to shake hands but we both get shocked 

s:" did you feel that? "

a:" yeah, like electricity "

dad:" ahh, you guys met good, well Austin, today you can get settled in but tomorrow Skylar here will show you how things work around here "

a:" can't wait "

Clint nearly spit out his water when he heard that which made me laugh 

* dinner time *

we all join hands and pray over our food, except Austin, me and my 10 year old sister Lucy both offered a hand since one of us was on either side of him but he just shook his head and we joined hands instead 

* after dinner *

a:" dinner was amazing, thank you guys "

we all smile at him 

a:" well, I'm going go to bed, nobody disturb me until 11 please "

before anyone could reply he was off to his room and as soon as we hear his door close we all start laughing, realizing that he will be in for a rude awakening when I wake him up at 6 A.M to do work 

a/n: the picture above is what Skylar looks like 

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