unbreakable AU

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Song suggestion: surrender by natalie taylor.

Katsuki bakugou had always been a rough and tumble kid, in and out of the hospital for what felt like forever. It wasn't until he broke his arm and had to spend a week there that his attitude towards life began to change.
    His name was eijiro kirishima and when bakugou first met this puppy of a boy he couldn't stand his constant optimism. Eijiro wiggles his way into that spicy heart though.

      "Fuck man this is fucking ridiculous you hag" Katsuki bakugou was fed up with doctors in general, being a rough kid he had seen far to many for his short life, this time tho he would be forced to stay here for a whole damn week because of a dumbass broken bone.
       "Language katsuki!" his mom, who was so very done with his shit, was currently talking to the doctors about arrangements seeing as both she and bakugous father had very important jobs, they couldn't afford to keep taking time off to stay at the hospital with their daredevil son.
       Bakugou snorts and mocks her as he stomps off to go explore his new prison. Only having a broken arm meant he could still wander as he pleased as long as he wasnt a nuisance. It was during this walk that he happened to pass by a room with an open door, inside the flash of colors drew bakugous attention.
        Inside the walls were covered in drawings of various comic book heroes and pictures of what he assumed were family. He couldn't make out much from where he stood but he found his eyes drawn to the figure in the bed. A redhead kid, about his age, was sitting cross legged humming some cartoon opening that was vaguely familiar to bakugou, as he scribbled away in some book.
      As if sensing him the kid looks up blinking in confusion before flashing perhaps the brightest smile bakugou had ever seen. "Heya! Do you wanna come in?" Bakugou looks around before catching on that he was talking to him. "But you don't even know me... " the kid laughs and shrugs patting his bed. "Well I never will unless you introduce yourself bro"
         With that, bakugou somehow found himself grudgingly shuffling over to sit on the end of the kids bed. It's only then that he notices the tv on but muted, playing some hero cartoon. "I watch them for drawing inspiration. I have books but I've gotten just about all I can from them" bakugou glances down at the half finished drawing of some spiky guy in red. "I call him red riot, cool right? This is what I'd be if I was a hero man. Unbreakable!"
        This kid was weird but in an entertaining way. "Oh right! My name is eijiro kirishima, you can call me kiri if you want" bakugou looks at the kids mess of red hair and snorts. "How about shitty hair instead?" Kiri touches his hair in mild offense "hey! My hair isn't that different from yours ya know! What should I call you then?"
         "Katsuki bakugou, everyone just calls me bakugou" He's treated to another bright smile as the kid shuffles closer. "I'm gonna call you bakubro, so what are you in for bro?" Bakugou grimaces at the nickname but decides to drop it lifting his cast covered arm instead. "Tried to blow up a mailbox with a wooden board as a sheild... " kiri stares at him for a moment then begins to laugh so hard his face turns as red as his hair. "Epic bro! Super manly!"
        Bakugou spends another hour sitting and talking to his unintentional friend before a doctor comes to check kiri forcing him to leave. He briefly wonders what it is kiri has and decides to ask him at a later date. A few days pass and bakugou continues to visit the ray of literal sunshine although if asked he would say it was just because he was bored and the kid was better than the old lady right next to his room who sang opera at three am. Bakugou found himself almost regretting having to leave at the end of the week.
         He visited kiri one more time the last day, but when he walked into the room he wasn't greeted with the usual boisterous "BAKUBRO!" kiri was tucked under the covers, laying down and watching the muted tv. His book was nowhere to be seen. As bakugou steps closer he can clearly see how pale the other boy had gotten and how pained he looked. Kiri didnt even notice him until he was right next to him. "Oh hey bro! What's up? I hear today's your last day haha you must be happy"
          Bakugou finds himself swallowing past a lump in his throat as he forces a smirk. "Hell yeah, I'll be getting away from your annoying ass" kiri smiles but it's not the same, it's tired and weak, and that causes the lump to grow. "Hey you never did tell me why you're here... " kiri seems to freeze and then sighs and forces another smile. "Ah I've always been a pretty weak kid...I guess that's why I look up to heroes so much...they're so cool and invincible."
       "They aren't invincible. No one is. A real hero is someone who doesnt let the bad shit bring them down. I guess that means you qualify dumbass" he could tell kiri wasnt giving him the whole truth but he already felt on the edge of breaking so he let it go, kiri would be fine. He'd never met a stronger kid.
        When it came time for him to leave he promised kiri he'd visit on the weekends and gave him and his doctors their numbers to be notified when he was released. Bakugous heart squeezed painfully as he waved goodbye to the little annoyance. He didn't know why, but he felt almost panicky at the thought of leaving him there alone.
         It was a week later, a day before they were going back to visit, when he got the call. His parents rushed him to the hospital and they were allowed back with his families permission. Apparently what kiri had was terminal, and he was in the last stages. When bakugou saw his shining beacon lying still in the bed, no smile, no drawings, He broke. He knew what was happening and he knew that the longer kiri held on the more pain he'd be in.
       All of the adults in the room cried silently with him, giving him space to sit on the bed. He took a cold hand in his only good one and cracked a wobbly smile. "Hey shitty hair...thought you said you'd be awake when I visited....why didn't you tell me? I could've- I could've talked with you about it" hot tears were making it hard to see but he refused to let go to wipe them away. He understood that he had to let him go in a different way.
       "Look man, I know you want us all to be happy....but we want you to be happy too, so if it's too much for you....you can go. We'll be ok." He squeezes the hand in his own as his tears makes their skin slippery. "Whenever you're ready buddy, I'm sure all of those heroes are waiting to welcome you home" He wasnt sure kiri could hear him until he got the faintest squeeze back. Then the monitor began that horrible monotonous sound.
        Everyone in the room began sobbing, everyone but the two still figures on the bed. One was free to be the hero he always wanted, the other was holding on for dear life. He wouldn't allow himself to break down until late at night when he thought his parents couldn't hear. He'd clutch that book to his chest and soak his pillow.
        They attended the funeral at his family's invitation and bakugou learned that kiri had always been a lonely kid, his friends never sticking with him through all of the absences, until bakugou that is. As they lowered the scarlet coffin down bakugou vowed to live his life the way kiri would have. He would never take what he had for granted again, and he would never forget that bright, hero smile and shitty red hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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