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Many, many years ago there was a maden that had magnificent beauty. She had golden eyes and soft brown hair. Pale skin with flushed cheeks. She was walking a path in a village when she saw a girl with black hair and golden eyes that they share the girl ran to her screaming "MAMA!" she realized she was an orphan so she raised her. Years went by and the girl grew to a women. The girl found a boy and raised him to be a king. The maden knew she raised her right on her own but knew one thing would happen in the boys future and it would be tragic. She traveled where her daughter traveled and that led to a place called the camlet.

Present day

No ones pov~

Savannah walked into the kingdom of camlet unaware she was. She saw her daughter with a group of people called the seven deadly sins. Merline noticed the cloaked figure and told the captain Meliodas. Savannah ran trying to find a safe place she turned the corner and tried to catch her breath. "Well hello lady now may i ask where such a pretty lady like you is doing here?" a boy with blond hair and emerald eyes she recognized him to be the captain Meliodas. She gasped and ran with him yelling about her not answering his question. Soon she was cornered by all seven sins. "remove the cloak to show your identity!" yelled The girl with black hair and golden eyes. She sighed with defeat and removed her cloak. It showed a woman with long soft brown hair, pale skin with flushed cheeks and those familiar golden eyes. Merline stared at the woman with wide eyes. "My name is, Savannah. im not a threat and i know who all of you are" she said calmly. "M-mama!?!" asked Merline tears in her eyes. "why are you shedding tears my child?" Savannah asked in a gentle voice. "MAMA!!?!?!??!?!?" Yelled the rest of the sins. The two then hugged and held eachother in a tight embrace. "To answer your question Meliodas, Ban, King, Gowther, Diane , Escanor, Princess Elizabeth, Hawk and King Aurthur, yes i am Merline's mother" she said. Everyone gasped (except for Merline and savannah). "What are you exactly because you don't seem human. i mean you look human but its strange how you look 20 when your over 3000 years old?" asked Ban. She slapped his face. "you should never underestimate a woman Ban. I know im not human there is no name for what i am. I was created from a spirit who took air and an unknown force. I was given special abilities and her i am today. Im 20,000,000 years old." She said. Everyone was shocked. "How are you Merline's mother?" asked the young king. " "Simple I was walking through a village, found her, she called me her mother, i decided to care for her as her mother, raised her, then i watch her raise you and here we are" she said joyfully. "w-wait so you watched me grow up?! if so then Merline raised me and if your her mother than your my grandmother?!!?" he asked confused yet excited. "wow a grand mother i feel old" she said simply. "YOU FEEL OLD NOW YOUR 20,000,000 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!" yelled king. "that may be true but when you have a child then a grand child and well say your about 750+ so hundreds of years from now you'll be young for your race but you'll feel old" she said. She walked to the young king. "But yes i would be and may i say your a good soldier but you need to unlock your power but not sure how" i say. "wait you say i have power" he asked "yes my child wait how old are you" she asked "16" he replied "wow i underestimated you. for a 16 years old you should know that by now but i guess not" she said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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