Chapter 1: Lets Make a Brand New Melody

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It is a warm summer night. The weather is perfect for a walk outside. It isn't too cold and isn't too hot. It is just perfect. And that is what a certain girl does. She walks slowly on the sidewalk, just enjoying the quiet. A slight breeze blows against the girl, ruffling her hair and clothes. This didn't bother the girl. If anything, she enjoys the wind caressing her skin.

There isn't special about this girl. Or at least her appearance isn't special. Her hair is long. Too long as is reaches pass her waist. It is currently pulled into a ponytail with only a few strands framing her face. Her eyes are dark brown, almost close to being black. The eyes are hidden black glasses. Her height is slightly tall for a girl, which is around 5'6''. She is wearing a black shirt with a yellow pikachu on the front. She is also wearing jeans and black and red high top. Around her waist is a red hooded jacket tied.

As she walks pass a dark alleyway, a sound of rustling a can be heard from there. It is almost quiet enough for the girl to miss it. The girl stops in her tracks. She focuses for a moment, trying to hear. Again, the rustling sound echoes from the alleyway. The girl looks conflicted. She didn't know if she should go and check it out or not. After a minute, she decides to go and have a look. Slowly, she walks into the alleyway. It is too dark to see, so the girl did something that might be surprising to people in a different world, but not this world. Holding her hand up, tiny balls of light gather together to form one big ball. Instantly, the alleyway is light up.

Magic is not a rare thing in this world. However, only a select few can used it. Although it is called magic, it is more of a manipulation of attributes that makes up the world. There are six attributes: fire, water, earth, wind, light and dark. The beings, mainly humans, that control these attributes are called manipulators. The girl is one of those manipulators. Now back to our regularly schedule program.

The alleyway is a narrow place, just big enough for the girl to walk without having to turn sideways. On both sides of her, there are gray bricks line up. Although she has light shining in front of her, she couldn't see pass the darkness. The smell and sound are more noticeable though. The smell isn't that great, making the girl scrunched her nose. The rustling sound is still there along with things being thrown against something.

The girl hesitates a little. She is starting to get scared but is too late to back out now. Taking a deep breath, she continues walking down the alleyway. It isn't long until she reaches the end, which leads to an opening. The opening has more light than the alleyway but not by much. Wanting to see more, the girl gathers more light, making the ball of light in her hand bigger, and throws it up in the air. Because the place got brighter, the girl squints. Apparently, the bright light catches someone off guard as a person yelps in surprise. Once the girl adjusts her eyes, she looks around. There is nothing in the opening except for a trash can in the far corner with the person on the ground.

The girl studies the person. She couldn't tell if they were a girl or a boy because of the darkness. What she can see is a head full of red hair and equally red eyes staring back at her. She can also see two brown things on either side of their head. The person seems small or smaller than the girl is, but again, the dark makes it hard for her to see. So, she decides to get closer. The girl walks slowly towards the person, trying to not scare them even further. As she got closer, she can see how young this person is. They look around to be 6 or 7 years old, and the girl guesses that they are a boy. She can see that the person, the boy, is wearing only a too big shirt that was once white. The one thing that catches the girl's attention is the two things on the boy's head. Two dog-like ears droop down. She looks a little bit behind the boy and sees a brown tail sticking out.

A hybrid. The girl thinks to herself.

Just like magic, hybrids are common in this world. Hybrids are half-human half-animal creatures. No one knows how they come to be, but some theorized that they lived as long as the humans do. Hybrids have a higher chance to control attributes than humans. This causes a This causes a disruption between the two races. A war between hybrids and humans goes on for many years that the gods of this world intervene. Now, hybrids and humans coexist together with little complication. So to see a hybrid, and a young one at that, here in this dirty place.

The girl wants to get closer, but she can see how afraid the hybrid is. So, she stops a few feet away from him and crouches to be the same height as him. The boy does nothing, just stares at the girl. Although he looks afraid, he also looks curious at this person who showed up out of nowhere. They stare at each other for a moment in silence. The silence is broken.

"Hello." The girl said.

The hybrid hesitates, not knowing if he should respond back or not.

"Hello." The boy said after a minute.

"What are you doing out here?" The girl asked.


The boy stops speaking. He didn't know how to answer. How can he when he is speaking to a total stranger. The girl can see him hesitating. She decides to ask something else.

"Where are your parents? Why would they leave someone as young as you out here all alone?"

The boy's eyes start to water. The girl is taken back by this reaction. As if sensing her shock, the light ball flickers a little. Thankful, or not, the boy did not start crying.

"I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong?"

The girl can feel the panic raising up in her.

"No mama or papa."  The boy said.

The girl freezes.


"No mama or papa. Mama gone. No know papa."

If hearts can shatter, the girl's heart definitely did. Now with new determination, the girl decides to do something that might get her in trouble.

"Why don't you come home with me?"

For those who already read this and are confused to the sudden change in POV, this is because as I was going back, I feel unsatisfied by it. So I decided to change from first person to third person and like it more. I'm sorry for the confusion and hope this is even better than the first one.

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