Dark tells good news (for once)

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I know what your thinking where is the rest ?!? Well I was aiming for people to countinue the story but that failed so bad so I am making a second part its going to be short. Please don't expect so much from this as you can tell I am working on another fan fiction. Don't get me wrong I love this story I think its the best I'm just didn't Mile in here waaaa. But the second part will be called ..... Werewolves something o.o I do  remember at this moment while I am doing this. Well if you want to bug the shit out of me please do so I love the attention. So that is the good news also am I the best of my friends oka sooo. Second have you heard of attack on titan game tribute I love that game. Well if you want to play with me just fucking say so. I also play this other game of aot o.o yes I am a fan girl obsessed. Well I put a short look of the Werewolves I may countinue it after I puplish this crap author note what ever you fucking call this. O.o well peace I am outta here


(Levi X Eren) WerewolvesWhere stories live. Discover now