Writing Test

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"Austria has cried once."


All it took was one little natural disaster, one little flood, for his everything to be taken away from him.

There were sirens, some emotions he didn't know how to feel, and some words he forced himself to forget. Now there's only beeping, bright lights, and white; all of those things surrounding his everything.

He can't remember how long he's sat here, staring at the most meaningful entity in existence who looked as if they were dead. A large part of him wanted to look away, but a smaller– yet no less powerful– part forced him to keep staring.

Keep staring at the eyes not normally this closed.
Keep staring at the long white locks laying on the bed.
Keep staring at his frail chest rise up and dowm slowly.
Keep staring at the body that is only getting thinner and thinner.

Keep staring.
Keep staring.
If you look away he'll dissappear and everything that makes you whole will be gone.

Fear won him over– it always did. He stared until he forgot how to blink, until he forgot where he was, who he was staring at, even his immediate surroundings. He stared, unable to hear someone call his name, unable to feel his shoulder being shaken. However, he did feel his arm yank him away. He did hear a somewhat familiar voice call out to him. Though, his throat failed him; he could not respond.

His everything was dying. The one thing he was attached to was dissappearing. He needed to be there, he needs to be there, he– if he isn't then the reason for his miserable existence will perish!

His ears cut to white noise. There was struggling, but he could feel it as a dull numbness. He might've said something as a body pulled him away, but he can't remember the words. Did he say anything at all? Maybe he was confusing his actions for words, but was there a difference between the two?

The persons voice came back, fuzzy, but it was still reaching him. It was annoying, he immediately wished it was gone. He wishes all of this was gone; he wishes that he was back home.

"Stupid. . . Stop . . . Knock . . . Out . . ."

But why should he stop?

"Scaring . . . Specs . . . Stop . . ."

But why should he stop?

"Come . . . Me. . . Priss . . . Stop . . . Yourself . . ."


There were a few words that came from his throat, barely noticeable to him. Though they held a sting that hurt him greatly, like a poisoned arrow that pierced into his own heart. Yet, he was holding the bow that fired it.

His body relaxed immediately, gravity feeling much stronger than before the words were fired. The fighting coming from the opposite end had ceased, holding his now limp arms up. There was something wet on his cheeks– a line that was normally not present there.

His throat ached; he yelled in retaliation; there was no noise. The omly sound that accompanied him was ringing. Ringing that pierced his ears and made breathing hard. For some reason his voice was choking on itself and his heart was throbbing with pain instead of trembling fear.

He hated this.
He hated whoever was holding him.
He hated the thing in the room.
He hated whatever allowed this to happen.

He allowed this to happen.


And everything became painfully numb. All of the gears that had once functioned to block himself away from the reality had broken down, too rusted for anymore use. He could hear the strangled cries coming from his raw throat, the man- no, his own rival- calling for him to calm down, he could see the bright lights that mocked him with false hope.

He could see the doctors working quickly to get his everything's heart to  beat again. They were trying to keep him here, trying to make them stay. Another choked wail came from his throat, his only way of saying please. His only way of begging the people dressed in white to save the boy laying in the bed. His only way of begging them to save his only happiness in this god-forsaken world.

He couldn't– he just couldn't.

He just couldn't lose his son;
not his precious baby boy.

So don't.

Don't take his sunshine away.



"It was when Kugelmugel had fallen."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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