Chapter 1

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"And Tiger wins the match again!" The referee raises Jeno's arm to show which of the two fighters had won. 

The audience roars with delight. Of course they would be happy. Almost all of them had bet on Jeno. The only ones who hadn't were those who had watched him for this first time. Jeno always wins, so it's an easy way to earn cash. 

Jeno flexes his arms and sports a victorious smirk, oblivious to the eyes of Jaemin and Renjun in the crowd who watch with rapt interest. 

"Good job out there today, kiddo!" In the locker room, Johnny slaps Jeno on the back in congratulations. 

Johnny, unlike Jeno who works solo, is part of a tournament team known as 127 who were known as big-time champions and had made a name for themselves. 

"Thanks, Johnny," Jeno grins, chugging his water with a towel draped down the nape of his neck.  "Congratulations on your win too, as always."

Johnny chuckles, "of course, see you soon!" as he leaves the room. 

Jeno isn't left alone for long, however, as he is soon approached by Renjun and Jaemin.

"Well if it isn't the hotshot himself, Tiger," Jaemin slings an arm around Jeno's shoulder who shrugs it off in annoyance. Renjun watches him in exasperation before introducing themselves.

"Ignore him, i'm Huang Renjun, and this loser is Na Jaemin," he says, pointing to himself and Jaemin with his thumb. Jeno only raises a brow at the display.

"Did you need something?" he asks reluctantly. Jaemin swings himself to sit next to Jeno on the bench, smiling widely.

"We want you to join our tournament team," he chatters away, "so far it's me, Mark, Haechan, Chenle, Jisung, and Renjun. You would be the last member of course!" Jeno stares at him blankly.

'They want me to what-'

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2022 ⏰

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