He saved me

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Running and running. Faster and faster. Screaming and yelling. No escape. Stanley ran towards me. He couldn't save me, or hear me, or see me. I was invisible. No matter how fast I ran, how loud I screamed. He couldn't save me. I was just running. In hope to find an exit. Any way out of this pointless blank room. Bzz Bzz. My alarm. God I was so sick of this reoccurring terrorising dream. Every night. I got out of bed and got dressed. Orange shirt, blue jeans. Basic. I walked down stairs. Dad passed out on the sofa. Beer in hand. I sighed and walked out the door. Talia saw me and ran toward me.

Talia, my friend. My best friend. Gorgeous brown curly locks, Caramel toned skin, Always looking stylish. Always getting the boys attention. "Hey gurl was up!?" she asked. When Talia says 'wats up?' she actually means it. Oh and she knows if I'm lying when I respond. "Dads passed out on the sofa, Miles didn't even wake up this morning and I look like a piece of shit." I said. "First of all, don't worry about your dad he cares he's just tired and Miles, well...Miles is a literal physcopath" She said, We both giggled. "Very true T, very true" I said and laughed. We walked to school. The whole time Talia rambling on about how many guys asked her to the formal. I wasn't really listening just making it seem so. "Are you even listening Sid?" she said. "Huh sorry- sorry," I apologised. She looked at my eyeline. "STANLEY DORLE!!" She yelled. It was true I was admiring his gorgeous dirty blonde locks and Ocean blue eyes. "Shut up Tal that was so loud!" I yelled. "Sorry. So Stanley brown ehh?? Never known Sydney Barber to have a crush.." she said then smiled and winked. "Its not a crush T..." I lied, biggest fib I've ever told I watched him skate from the roof of my house every night. "And even if it was, you really think he would like me?? A flat, ginger girl with a curled pixie cut who dresses like a boy?!" I said, laughing on the outside but slowly becoming a realisation in my head that he would never notice me. Its not like he's a douche or anything he just lays low. But even if he did decide one day he wanted a girl friend his first choice wouldn't obviously be me...

I zoned out for a bit. "Look T I don't really feel like school today, I might just crash at home.." I told her. "Okay Sid, Ill pop round later" she smiled then walked off. I walked back home to see Stanley sitting on his window ledge smoking a cigarette. He noticed me. Shit Shit Shit Shit. "Ay Barber right? You skipping?" he yelled from his window. "Yeah how about you?" I asked him. "Wanna come blow some smoke with me?" he suggested. "Screw it why not?" I shouted and made my way up to his front door. He opened the door wearing a vintage band shirt and some jeans. He lead me upstairs and we sat on his roof and he lit me a cigarette. We sat there and just talked. "So where's your parents ehh Sid?" he asked. "Well my moms been out of town for years so I'm kind of assuming she's dead. Didn't really care about me or my brother to be honest. Alcoholic, very much and my dad well he's passed out with a beer on the couch-" I explained. "Well here's to shitty parents!" he yelled then grabbed two beers out of the cooler. "To shitty parents" I said and laughed. It got dark early so I suggested leaving. He said I should stay. "Why go back to a shitty home when we can hang out together!" he said. "Very good point Stanley, I guess Ill stay" I said then laughed. We got a little tipsy and had a few laughs. He eventually walked me home. I opened the door, I walked upstairs. Dad was out. Probably at the pub. I heard something from Mile's room. I opened his door. "TALIA??!!! MILES??!! WTF!!" I yelled in anger. "Sid I-" she said "Miles that's my best friend!- Look Talia he might say he loves you but he doesn't. Hes using you. Like he does with all of his girls!" I yelled then stormed out. "Oh and Talia. Don't pick me up tomorrow..." I shouted from my room. I layed in a pit of dirty clothes. I was gross. My brother and my best friend. I heard a knock on my door. It was Miles. "I'm sorry Sid, she came over to check on you and It just....happened" He said. "Okay...you do that Miles. Go ahead. Carry on with her. I couldn't care less anymore." I told him my face in the pillow. He shut the door and went to his room. I picked up my phone

*Text Message From Stanley Dorle*


Are you okay? I heard shouting from ur house?


Miles and Talia-

Come over?


Sure ;)



I heard a knock on my bedroom door, "Come in Stan!" I yelled. I saw a smiling face standing beside my closet holding beers and popcorn. "Rough news ehh" he said laughing. "Ehh just shock to be honest?" I told him. We put on some music and drunk our beers. We just layed on my bed for a bit in silence. Our eyes locked. He placed his soft hands around my face and kissed me softly. "I'm sorry.." he said. "Don't be" I said pulling him closer and kissing him more. We must have crashed together on my bed. I woke up. First night in a long time I didn't have that dream. Because I wasn't invisible anymore. He saved me....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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