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Welcome to The Aristocrats!

The Aristocrats are a group of wild cats who live in a forest, not far from a Twoleg Park. They live in a hierarchy based on one's reputation. The only exception is the Duke and Duchess. One must be born into the position, or be of blood.

Alright now it's serious time.

Here are some rules:

- When applying for the first time, please apply as one character.

- Roleplaying is okay, but please keep it in a separate chain.

- No NSFW. Most of the people here are minors.

- Don't complain if you don't get the role you want. It'll only make me less likely to allow you in the game.

- If your character dies, it's fine if you want to sign up again. Like I said earlier, please apply for one character at a time.

- If you would like to start a drama within the game (ex Forbidden mate/kits, attempted murder) then please PM me first. I can't guarantee that it'll happen, but you'll have a chance.

- If you aren't active for a certain amount of time, then you'll be killed off (with that being said, let me know if you legitimately can't. Someone else can claim your character, if you don't want them to die).

- I'll usually update one-two days after the last one. Not really a rule.

- Password is the first three letters of your username.
- Please be kind to other players. If their character does something cruel to yours, remember it's the CHARACTER doing it, not them.

- I will allow homosexuality between characters for now. However, if I revoke this rule (or if the Cabinet decides to) then please know that this isn't because we are homophobic.

More rules will come into play as needed.

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