Chapter 1: "Go to hell"

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She's holding it steadily
Without a care in the world, My future is literally in her hands at this very moment but that doesn't seem to concern her, her body is still and relaxed without any hesitation

She draws the poisoned paper closer to her reach and without even looking at me she dabs the ink onto the end of the pen that she's holding so tightly and speedily signs the contract.

I try to catch my breath as I'm still in shock at the events that occurred just moments ago. Armed men leave the cottage in a hurry. I sense one of the men is behide
me forcing me quickly out the door but I don't pay much attention with my mind still racing that it hurts.
Then in a moment of curiosity I glance up to find an army of horses to match the amount of men and see her passing my belongings to a soldier her face then meets mine she reaches for my cheek I try to pull away but her grip is to strong.

"Safe journey" she says with tears in her eyes.

I look her up and down with disbelief and I find it hard to open my mouth.

"Go to hell" once the words came out of my mouth her whole facial expression drops

and before she could open her mouth I find my hand to be accompanied by another's I look to my right to find a dark hair soldier by my side.
"Are you already to go Mistress?
"Yes" I say hastily knowing that he could sense from my tone that I was lying.

His hands pulls me up to the steps of the carriage that I hadn't notice there before. I am now seated in the carriage I try avoid looking at her face and wait for the remainder of the men to get on their horses but before they do I take one last look at my home where I am most happy.

3 hours into the journey we stop cause the horses need tending to. I leave the carriage to get some much needed fresh air. The sky is blue with no clouds to be seen for miles and all I can see is fields on top of fields.
We are in the beautiful countryside now but sadly I think to myself How long will the silence last now that I'm heading to a noisy and manipulative castle to live for the rest of my life my throat begins to dry up.

5 hours into the journey and we have passed by countless towns and villages along the way , the clouds have set in and there's a chill in the air it's close to sun down by now and we're riding through the breathless hill of Tara were the grass is as green as the countryside.
As I look closer beyond the hill I spot the castle just ahead , know body could miss it not even a poor sighted man!

The Castle defiantly stands out from the towns and villages beyond the enormous castle walls that towered over me with its tall towers covered in beautifully placed stones with clear glass windows. Now that I am through the castle walls my eyes can explore the beauty gardens this castle has to offer.
It then occurs to me that during this long stressful journey ,
I have only thought about she that be trade my trust and the heavenly views of the countryside and not the Prince I am to marrying!

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