good grief!

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not revised 

*can you move your head now?* 

your eyes snapped to his unmoving lips. how was he talking if his mouth wasn't moving? backing away into the road, even though you were trembling, you knew something was wrong with him. 

saiki needed a moment to think. 

*so she can tell that i'm communicating without using my actual voice and she's backing away into the road because she can tell that something was wrong with me. good grief, thank god nendo left already.*  he didn't need telepathy to understand the look on your face. 

he dashed quickly to pick you up, and before you could even make a noise, you were already in his room. "what do you want with me?!" you couldn't do anything but protest as he places you on the bed and teleports to sit with his legs crossed over on his chair. he took his glasses off and rubbed the bridge of his nose, eyes closed.

*good grief, what a bother.* he sighs inwardly, slipping his glasses back on to glare at you.

*do you think that this is something you can get out of?* his brow creased with his ever intense glare, frown following suit. you could barely take the nerve of this kid. "what do you want with me?" you asked again, returning his glare. all you wanted was to go home and have some fruit jelly and rest your tired body.

saiki takes a deep breath before talking. his expression was completely serious.

*if you haven't figured it out already, i'm a psychic." you raise an eyebrow, unbelieving.

he sees that you barely believe let alone understand him, so he opens his desk drawer and flips out a metal spoon. at will, saiki makes the spoon levitate and bend. your mouth hangs open. "oh my god you really are weird!" you point at his pink hair and then his hairclips, holding back a laugh. his glare only grows darker. 

*i don't think you understand why i brought you into my house.* he throws the spoon with his levitation right into the trash can beside his door. 

*now that you know, my life is over.* he sits back with his hands in his lap. you didn't understand. "how is your life over with me knowing?" saiki was sighing a lot that day.

*if you tell people and they believe you, my normal life laying low at school will be destroyed. the public will want everything on me and that is the LAST thing i want.* he looked like he had more to say, but you had a feeling you should ignore it. 

"what makes you think i'll tell anyone? i don't even know you!" righteously, you put your hand over your heart and make a silent pledge. saiki doesn't seem to take your word. 

*i told you i have psychic powers, right?* he stands up and demonstrates his bunch of abilities. you nod, a little in awe.

*one of those things is being able to read thoughts.* he blanks out for a couple of seconds. 

*my father is currently thinking about how he plans to dress up his action figures to fit into a maid cafe, and my neighbour, yuuta, is thinking about cider man version two.* it wasn't clear what he was trying to prove. he sat back down in his chair and put on the darkest expression yet.

*without the limiter on my head...* he points to his left hairpin. *...i'm able to read the minds of every single living being on the planet, animals included.* there was a catch, you were guessing.

"yeah, but what does this have to do with me out of all people?" you shift to face him with your legs crossed. 

*there are only two people on the planet that i cannot read telepathically.* you aren't surprised. *that large idiot that spoke to you on the street is one of them, and you are the other one. i don't know how so don't expect me to answer your questions.* you're still a little confused.

"is that why you can't trust me? i don't want to out you for being this super-powered psychic! and what will you do if you can't trust me , then? lock me up?" you grow weary of your situation. you were currently sitting on your upperclassman's bed, locking eyes with him.

saiki spun around in his chair for a few seconds, accidentally kicking the leg of his table and knocking it clean off into the wall. you sat and stared at the damage done. 

*don't worry, i'll fix that.* he keeps spinning, slower this time, deep in thought. in his head, he was shuffling the 7 ideas he had for this situation. 

*okay. i have an idea that won't result in me changing the future into an apocalyptic wasteland.* you're not sure how he could come to such a conclusion, but you listened with intent. 

*since i'm your senpai, i technically have responsibility for you at school. i'd like you to know that if i suspect anything coming out of your mouth, i'm removing you from class. in other words, i'm going to keep a VERY close watch on you.* there was a bubbly feeling crawling up your chest.

(my senpai...WATCHING OVER me??) you didn't know how to feel. 

he could tell that you were taking it out of context, but he coughed over his awkwardness.

*i'll be walking you home, no matter the day.* that was what made you blush.

"w-..what makes you think i'll follow along with your perverted plans?" you fumble over your words, becoming even more aware of what your future would look like. irritation crawled up his expression.

*don't take this the wrong way. good grief. i'm only doing this to protect my identity. if you ever run into nendo or a blue-haired boy named kaido, run as FAR away as you can.* he makes a face of disgust. 

"are they weird like you?" ok, that slipped out of your mouth in the wrong way. his expressions could change so quickly, and right now it was settled into the 'say that one more time and im going to hurt your feelings' face. 

*no. i told you already that i can't read nendo's thoughts. kaido is just a little puppy tagging along everywhere i go. it's a pain.* even though his words were pretty salty, a small smile found its place on his lips. 

"i see..." you didn't know what to say. 

*it's getting late.* a cup of water made its way into your hand. *drink this and i'll bring you home.* you felt your cheeks heat up as you sipped from the cup.

what's going on?

to be continued.

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