Homeless Spider

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                 A/N  This is my first story I'm sorry for any spelling mistake I'm dyslexic so it makes it hard to spell. I'm also sorry for the short chapters  I try to make them longer.


                      I needed to do his breathing he really did but the bright light of the new York police care was flooding my senses and it wouldn't stop. The lights chased him down the cold concrete on my sore bare feet. the day had been long and granted I had made a mistake to steel from Delmar's Deli-Grocery's. But I didn't think the cops would find out so soon.                                             the night was to cold for this. I was never good at picking his time. He ran to the only good place in this unforgiving city. he felt so lost in this stupid place but I knew that there was always my little roof top. The poor little roof was all I really had and the climb was always easy. I missed my footing and slipped.                                                                                                                                                                     My arm when numb. Broken I knew it was i could already see the black bruising forming. The panic was worse than the pain but i had to keep moving obviously. I wouldst want to get thorough into juvie or even worse the foster system. of course they had to be right behind me so I ran up town to get away                                                                                                                                                                               Something hit me or maybe hit it. It was hard enough to be a brick wall and I would have thought it was but the low chuckle taught him otherwise. A  big blue eyed man went to pick him him up by his arm but went  for the wrong one. I screamed out in agony. I went to pull my arm away making the pain worse and a ripping sound filled the air. I didn't pass out unfortunately.                                                                                                                                                                                          The cops behind me yelled at the man to not let me go                                                                                         I screamed and wiggled and the man pulled me int a a tight hug preventing me from moving.He was still careful of my poor arm.I tried to wiggle and move out of his treating hold only moving me upwards getting my self more stuck. screaming the whole time. tears where past threatening and where spilling helplessly down my dirty face                                                                                      " shh shh shh shh It's ok you're ok breath son you only hurting myself. hey hey hey don't strain you're arm", I didn't care for this dumb mans words and kept squirming making my pain worse.                                                                                                                                                                                                        The cop came close but the smaller of the three men told him that they got it and " we will take care of him."                                                                                                                                                                                A cold hand, to cold. started to rub my back to calm me down it didn't . The man sat down in the middle of the side walk with me in his arms rocking me back and forth whispering sweat nothings in my ear I didn't want to calm down. I really didn't want to. But he wouldn't stop shushing me. The other man took care of rubbing my back. The smaller man took my wrist and rubbing y vein slowing my heart rate slow. It took a wile to get me to fall asleep but I couldn't stop it as the world went dark

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