no escape from reality

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There is a song lyric that I like, "no escape from reality" ; which is true, there is indeed no escape. and now that we have established that none of us motherfuckers are going anywhere, I would like to draw your attention towards what lays ahead. think of it as a maze, all you gotta do is escape or destroy the obstacles that lie ahead of you to reach the triwizard cup (spoiler alert: its gonna teleport you but that's not important.) what's important is that you reach the centre of the maze, now in order to do so, you need 5 things, courage, anger, thirst for success, discipline and insanity because no one in their right minds would even enter a maze full of crazy ass monsters hell bent on sucking the blood out of your system. You still fight all the weird monsters, you are injured and you are tired. You don't even seem to remember the point to all this, you blame yourself for getting into this stupid competition, "what was I even thinking?'' ; but there is no going back, so you move where you instincts lead you.

Fastforward to the end, because no one likes a story of struggle:  lets crown you the hero, lets say you reach the centre of the maze, lets say you grab the triwizard cup, you feel glorious, you feel ecstatic really, as if you're high on a whole lot of cocaine (this has nothing to do with any personal endeavours). You pickup the cup, you want to show it off, you want everyone to know what you have achieved, but then something unexpected happens, something weird, something so out of the blue that you have to gasp for air to breathe, not because you are in shock or anything, but because your surroundings look smaller with each passing second, you are flying, clutching the cup in your hands, the world around you dissolves into black fog, as if the reality you couldn't escape from was a mirage. remember when I said that the triwizard cup would teleport you but that's not important, well psych losers, it is hella important.

The scene has changed, there is no light around you. You have to squint to make out the vague image of the scene. You are in a graveyard, a scary one for that matter. Well all graveyards are scary but this one had something specifically eerie about it. Its like the moment you thought your struggle was over, that the worst has passed, you were teleported to a different world, even scarier than the last one. your life now, feels like a video game to you, you don't even know what to expect. Every single thing that you thought could go wrong, being teleported to a creepy graveyard with no way to go back would not have even made the top 8. But then you hear something, you dramatically turn around (what if they are recording this and its all just a big prank to surprise me in the winning ceremony). To your disappointment and major freak out session, you are now face to face with the darkest wizard of all time.

Your heart rate is so high you could pass out, but you don't. you start laughing, right to the face of the creepy man in the cloak. You are in such sense of panic that your sane senses have abandoned you; what else could possibly go wrong, nothing can be worse that THIS. But the tall white man in the black nurse gown is staring at you in awe before he speaks, "I want to challenge you to a duel, either you leave this place tonight or I do" and you think to yourself, just when I thought nothing else insane could possibly happen, nose-less squinty eye bald man wants to have face off, what the hell, lets get this over with. you are hopelessly exhausted but you still agree, all you want to do is go home.

Now we all know how that story ended. or do we? that was the story of a green eyed boy, but this story right here, the one I thought of in the last 10 minutes is not about him. He is not the one who won the cup this time, its you. Now of course you wont have to fight monsters and wizards so lets talk about this metaphorically. Imagine the maze is your school (or high school for that matter), you have battled your way through the maze and clutch your final results in your hand showing off your good grades. You think that the worst is behind you, but WHIPLASH, you are now in college. The dark wizard are your deadlines, will you fight them and make it through, giving your life a chance to throw even worse surprises at you or would you give up?

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