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Normally water would pose no threat for 17-year old Carlisle Toussaint, one of the most daring and determined swimmers on Silent Street, being sure to sure to himself to have a promising future as a professional swimmer and maybe one day enter into the international Olympics in Berlin, Germany. But Five years ago on that fateful night at the lake house, everything changed.

Birds chirped, the sun creaked through the window into the bedroom on the bright summer morning of August 18th, 2006. He usually sleeps in through the early hours of the day, but Carlisle was engulfed in a very alluring and mesmerizing dream which seem he didn't want to awake from. There were flowers, tranquility, clear blue skies and the Forgetful Lake which seemed to fit in with such a happy dream, at that moment waking up just seemed impossible. With everything seeming to be in order soon quickly changed into what would be a nightmare, the lake quickly began to darken, the flowers wilted followed by a dark, painful groan as a depressing, half rotting figure in the distance of the lake, looking as what seems to be a young girl with long, black, wet hair limped closer to Carlisle, dragging her battered, lifeless body across the lake. Before he could react the girl stood in front him, the water darkening with the swing of her cold, damp lifeless hands, clenching her pale, wrinkled fingers through Carlisle's black, wet hair with the screams of suffering and the feeling of hopelessness suddenly taking over his mind, the figure suddenly ripped Carlisle's head from his torso, with his mouth hanging open by the side of the young, dark apparition. Each step seeming slower than the first, finally stopping in-front the lake with last expression of an evil, hopeless smirk on her face, slowly and vigorously pressing Carlisle's slender, pale head into the lake and finally vanishing without a trace with his head.

Leaping from the bed screaming "holy fuck", his airways expanded, while he frantically tried to catch his breath with this nightmare still plaguing him in his head he quickly tried to forget what happened and got ready to leave the house to meet up with his friends and the girl Carlisle had eyes on, since 2nd Grade. The weather looked unpredictable which made a sad look appear on everyone's face, but the weather soon cleared up as everyone arrived at Silent Lake House, Carlisle changed into his swimming trunks, then so did there others and finally Eliza slowly undressed, showing off her pink and white bathing suit, which seemed to wrap around her curves and hips, tucking tightly as if it was made for her to wear in such a sleek, yet sexually graceful manner. Carlisle's face quickly flustered as he shouted "anyone willing to challenge me to a swimming race?" as he dived into the dark, cold water, trying to hide his blushing face from Eliza, as he surfaced from the cool water something didn't seem quite right to him, the scenery darkened around him and nobody was in sight. With such a calm composure he swam towards the shore, but suddenly a cold, wet lifeless hand latched onto his right leg, violently tugging him under the fading water of the lake, frantically panicking he looked down through his water filled eyes and what he saw, covered his heart with the most terrifying feeling that could not be described through shear words.

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