My Name Is Monique Carter , I am 9 & Stay In Detroit . I Wish I Was Still In My Mother's Womb Or Either Dead. I Really Don't Understand Why It Gotta Be Like This. I Know Some May Be Thinking Why Is This Coming Out Of A 9 Yr. Olds Mouth, Well If You Experienced Things I Have Put Up With You'd Feel The Same Way . Some might say I have a good life but I don't, my passion is singing but I feel like I'm not getting anywhere with all this hurt and pain built inside of me.. I often wish a car would hit me or something , I go to a private school and I hate it. One night I went to there rest room and reached and seen a razor, I looked and thought about cutting myself but before I could do that my auntie walked in and seen me and I put it up real fast . She left and I reached for it again, I began to cry but smile hoping the pain will go away, I cut once then again and again. I felt proud and continued to it more often.
School Day, I arrived at school looking good as always with my skinny jeans, a Brooklyn jersey and my J's. I went to meet my friends. and they seen my arm , they had already questioned me and all I could say was it's pain that is being relieved. They were kinda upset I didn't come to talk to them but I didn't think they could help me.