First of if you don't understand the title... I hate you and please leave. No offense, of course
It's potions class and the professor is asking for a volunteer to smell the Amortentia/love potion. Nobody really wants to do it because then they'll need to tell the class what they smell. "I volunteer as tribute." Said a Hufflepuff named, Kat. She walked up and stood in front of the class... Before the professor could open the potion for her to smell another Hufflepuff and muggle-born, Tony did Rue's four tone whistle and then all muggle-borns and their friends because of course they told their friends about that masterpiece, kissed three of their fingers then held them up to face the Hufflepuff girl who is now laughing so hard she's crying. "I love you people."
Muggle-borns Totally Did This
Humorone shots of things that happened at Hogwarts involving muggle-borns. Not just in the Harry Potter era. Be warned they are really short.