Chapter 1: The beginning

41 2 10

" = talking

' = thinking

No Pov

Y/N went to shop during night to get a popular game which the whole world knows by now, he went to the building he lived in after which he climbed the stairs and opened the door with a key, he went inside and said

Y/N: "I can't wait to play it! I've been saving this money up for a week!"

He took out a bag which he opened. Y/N took out pills which would help him fall asleep faster, he took off most of his clothes and went to bed. He then put on the headset, before he knew it he was in the game... There was a menu screen in front of him, he created an account and signed in. He was asked to create a character

Y/N: "Should I make the character pretty and charismatic? Or should I make the character scary and fearful?"

Y/N went with the first option of his

Y/N: "Which class should I pick... Wait, where are the classes?"

Y/N tried to choose a class but he couldn't find any to begin with

Y/N: "I'm guessing that everyone starts out as the same class... Hm, oh well let's enter the game"

Y/N pressed "Play"... He appeared in a city near a giant castle

Y/N: "Before I do anything I should check my stats..."

Y/N clicked the menu to check his stats

Name: Y/N

Race: Human

Class: Peasant

Level: 1

Abilities: None

Personal Attribute: Unknown (Unlocked when the user reaches level 30)

Y/N: "Oh my god... I'm such a noob, guess I'll have to grin--"

Before he could finish a administrator appeared in the center of the city... He casually said

Administrator: "Hello everyone, I'm here to say that all of you are now stuck in this game until you finish it by killing the final boss"

Y/N: "Don't you think that all of this is kind of cliche?"

Administrator: "You can't exit the game, if someone tries to take off the headset your brains will get fried... Which will result in Death"

Everyone started panicking

Y/N: "This is amazing!"

Administrator: "I want all the catfishing assholes to look at their character"

65% of all the girls turned into guys

Guy 1: "You are a dude!?"

Catfishing trap: "And you are underaged!"

Y/N: 'I didn't have anything or anyone in real life... This is great in a way'

Administrator: "30% of all the people on earth are now trapped in the game, I have a way to cheer all of you up. If you die in game you won't in real life, however you feel the same amount of pain that you would feel in real life. I have another warning, if you die all of your items along with your class will be terminated or taken by your opponent, have a good day"

The administrator then disappeared

Everyone continued to panic

Y/N: "This is a perfect time to grind"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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