Insecurity begins here

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She was just 9 months old, when her parents gave her to her granny. Parents were so busy with their  work and couldn't look after her properly. That was a long sunny day of summer, when her parents were heading to the village to drop her to her granny's home.
She was so young to understand the whole scenario, but she was happy that she is going on a vacation with her parents. Then the moment came, when she finally had to say goodbye to her parents. She felt so bad deep in her heart. She was crying and her mother was crying badly too.Just because of responsibilities she was bound to take her with herself. A mother's love is always important for a child. Days passed, she was growing, now that little angel can walk on her on own and she started addressing her granny as "mumma".Granny was also spending her wonderful moments with her Granddaughter. Seasons passed and she was still with her granny. On the other hand, her parents were not living a good life though, the disputes between  husband wife are increasing day by day and the reason was "she".
Mom was missing her daughter and she daily had this conflict with her father to bring her back.
After get pissed from all this,his father decided to take her back to her home. They drove to the village and the moment when mother tried to meet her daughter, she didn't  recognize, she was pushing her mom away and she was calling her "aunt".
Mom started crying and she was offering her sweets and toys but the daughter was not ready for anything. Because these things couldn't take the place of mother 's love.
She denied the offer to come with them, she went back to her granny and she hugged her so tightly  that she didn't  want to leave her and didn't want to with  these strangers.
After some struggle parents managed and convinced that little angel.
She went with her parents and came back to her home.
She is now a big girl so parents decided to send her to school. She was very good in studies and sports. Her voice was also very beautiful and she used to sing since her childhood.
Time passed and that little angel has finished her school and now she was ready for her high school. Science was her favourite subject and she took medical as the main subject because she really wanted to explore the concepts of nature and life.

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