"Love at first sight."

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It peaked her interests but she was confused by the question nevertheless. It wasn't because she didn't understand the question. The question itself was nothing out of the ordinary. What bothered her about said question, though, were two things: 12 rarely asked questions like these; and when she did, it was never addressed to her. Besides, why would 12 bother asking such questions in the first place? She'd never expressed any interest in her outside of concern for the mission. There was no need for it either. They were elite, military grade t-dolls. It wasn't like emotions were of any use to them.

Whatever 12's ulterior motives were, 94 had a feeling 12 was just pestering her again to kill time. She was almost used to it by now. Usually, she'd play along and get it over with. The problem was, however, she didn't know what to say. And thus she kept silent, refusing to give 12 a reply. She would have answered out of courtesy, if she knew what to say. She'd always answer to 12, even if she didn't know why she was asked such questions. If 12 was asking her a question, she was willing to answer, no matter what.

When AN-94's reply remained unheard, AK-12 let out a small sigh and moved a bit closer to her partner. She already knew why An wasn't answering her, it was clear from the blonde doll's emotionless expression. Right now, An's mindmap was probably running into so many errors that her head would pop off like a toy's if 12 kept pressuring her like this. Simulating what that would look like in her mind, fueled the already present grin on 12's face.

AK-12 knew that An wouldn't be able to give her a proper answer, no matter how hard she searched her database. It was a underhanded and vile question, 12 had to admit, but the results were rather interesting. She'd expected An to give in but just like she refused to give 12 an answer, she didn't to give up, either. AN-94 most certainly knew that 12 was just trying to entertain herself until Angelica came back and yet it didn't stop the quiet doll from willingly submitting herself to an obvious trap. The level of devotion in An's programming was almost scary. 12 almost pitied her but something about An trying to find her an answer no matter what was so incredibly amusing, 12 couldn't help herself but push a little further.

"C'mon, An, answer me." When AK-12 moved forward once more she cast a shadow over the blonde doll. AN-94 looked up, finally shaken out of her trance, only to be met with AK-12's ever closed eyes. It was a reassuring sight. It only confirmed that 12 was just trying to get at her. With a soft sigh she pondered once more. If 12 wasn't being serious, it wouldn't be a problem if she thought a little longer, right? She'd formulate an answer as soon as possible because 12 went out of her way and asked her that personal question. Even if she couldn't answer it right now, she'd work hard to give her partner the answer she was looking for. She'd please 12 no matter what it took because that was how it had always been.

"C'mon, An, answer me." When AK-12 moved forward once more she cast a shadow over the blonde doll. AN-94 looked up, finally shaken out of her trance, only to be met with AK-12's ever closed eyes. It was a reassuring sight. It only confirmed that 12 was just trying to get at her. With a soft sigh she pondered once more. If 12 wasn't being serious, it wouldn't be a problem if she thought a little longer, right? She'd formulate an answer as soon as possible because 12 went out of her way and asked her that personal question. Even if she couldn't answer it right now, she'd work hard to give her partner the answer she was looking for. She'd please 12 no matter what it took because that was how it had always been.

"My patience is running out, AN-94. You know I don't like waiting." As 12's hands moved up to gasp her neck and chin and she gently tilted the blonde doll's face upwards to force 94 to look at her. An tried to keep her body as still as she could but failed to do so. Especially since she could feel AK-12's gaze travelling over her blank expression. She whirled in her partner's grip and the slight discomfort in An's behaviour earned her a chuckle. Their faces were only inches apart and An tried hard to regain her posture. However, due to the extensive pressure around them, it was hard for her to get her modules under control. Unlike 12, she wasn't able to suddenly switch on and off her emotions.

"Reconnaissance" 94x12 GFLWhere stories live. Discover now