Today's the day.
So, I've been on wattpad for a while now, and I think I'm ready to come to terms with myself.
I am asexual, biromantic.
Many of you may know what biromantic means. Asexual means I don't feel sexual attraction. But, I didn't publish this just to say that. I've actually got something of a speech.
Why today, of all days? Well, with corona, and the death rate, I.... I'm scared. I don't want to leave this world without really getting it out. So, here we are. But now on to what I was trying to say.
I am not broken. Let me explain. Every living organism in this universe is unique. Since most people like to use science to tear down asexuals, allow me to put it this way. We are all made of DNA. The very blueprint of our being. Every set of DNA that makes up an organism is completely unique. Original. So the odds of me being different in this way are rather large. Biological hardwireing? Psychology? You wanna know what separates us from other animals. Higher functions. Every human brain functions differently. In fact, I believe that to truly diagnose someone with a mental disorder, you would need over seven billion mental disorders. Because we all function differently. We've come a long way from being apes. So in conclusion, I'm not broken. I'm simply human.