Chapter 11 - Day 1 in Hawaii

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I rolled over in bed and looked at the clock. 10:28 am. I sat up and bed and looked out the window. I saw palm trees, a pool and the beach. So it wasn't a dream, I'm actually in Hawaii! I smiled to myself and I felt two warm hands grab my waist and pull me back down into bed.
'Morning Wilko.'
'Morning sleepyhead!' He kissed my lips.
'Come on get up.' I said as I pulled myself out of bed.
'Why? Can't we just stay in bed all day?' His eyes finally opened.
'Nope! We are going to the beach. Come on!' I walked around to his side of the bed and pulled him up. His hands grabbed my waist and he kissed me passionately whilst walking into the living room. Yes, our hotel room was huge. He picked me up so that my legs were wrapped around his waist and he sat me down on the table in the other room. His hands made his way under my t shirt.
I pulled away, 'Later. I promise.' I winked and jumped off the table.

We were on our way to the beach. I wore my pink Victoria's Secret bikini and my white Havaianas. I had my floral Victoria's Secret cover up on top and my Saint Laurent sunglasses. Lewi wore his blue Hollister beach shorts, his Havaianas and his Oakley sunglasses. He had his SnapBack on of course. I carried my Superdry beach bag in my shoulder and we made our way to the beach.
'So, what are we doing then?'
'I don't know about you but I need to work on my tan.'
'You've put cream in haven't you?'
'Factor 30.' He laughed and lashed down on his sun bed.
After a few hours of laying in the sun, I turned on my back don't worry, Lewi spoke.
'Han, let's go surfing. You know, like we used to.'
'I haven't surfed in ages!' I sat up on the sun bed facing Lewi. He placed his hands on my knees.
'You'll be fine. Come on.' He took off his hat and took my hand. We made our way to the beach hut and rented some surf boards. Honestly, I was nervous. I hadn't surfed in about four years. Lewi looked pretty confident. We rented our boards and went in the sea.
'Oh, it's so warm!' He smiled and laid down on his board. I did the same and when I saw a wave I stood up and made sure to stay ahead of the water that was racing up behind me. The wave died down and I had done it. I looked around for Lewi but I couldn't find him. Where was he? I started to get worried but I soon saw his head pop up out of the water. I giggled and swam over to him.
'Did you fall off?'
'No! I just casually dived into the water.' I laughed.
'Okay, okay!' I winked. 'Ready for another one? There's one there.' And before I knew it I was up in my surf board surfing the waves of Hawaii. Lewi was not far behind me and this time he didn't fall off. We surfed for just over an hour and then we had to give the boards back.
'You did good Wilko.' His arm landed around my shoulders.
'Why thankyou. How many times did you fall of?' I said with a sarcastic tone.
'Only three times. Didn't you fall off though?'
'Once! I'm still a bit rusty.' He kissed me head.
'Your getting better.' I looked up at him and smiled. We arrived back at our sun beds.
'It's five o clock Lewi.'
'We have three hours, we'll be fine.'
'Three hours until what?'
'Dinner. I booked us reservations at a little place called Ono Foods.' I looked up at him.
'I don't believe this!'
'Well believe it! Ono Foods is my favourite restaurant in Oahu.
'I called your cousin and she saved us a table!' My cousin Adrianna owns the restaurant.
'I'm going to see Adri again!' I jumped up and hugged Lewi. 'Thankyou thankyou thankyou!'
'Its ok Wilko. Anything for you!' He lifted my chin up with his fingers and kissed me.
We headed back to our hotel and I jumped in the shower. After I got out Lewi got in. I tied my hair in my towel and put on my underwear. I didn't want to ruin my dress with wet hair. After styling my hair Lewi got out the shower.
'I like this view.'
I shook my head, 'I like this view.' He came out the bathroom wearing his boxers. I carried on getting ready by applying my makeup. Lewi styled his hair into his normal quiff thing and sat down the the couch.
'Are you not going to get ready?' I saw finishing my makeup. He jumped up and grabbed my waist.
'Just let me enjoy this for a bit longer.' He smiled and kissed me passionately again. The kiss got more intense and I didn't want to stop but I pulled back.
'What did I tell you earlier?' He frowned and I put my dress on. I wore a purple long sleeved dress which stopped at my knees with my Givenchy black kitten heels. Lewi wore black skinny jeans and a white shirt. He place his SnapBack on his head and we left for the restaurant.

'Hannah? Oh my god Hannah!' I turned around and saw a girl my age with dark brown short hair run towards me.
'Adri!' She ran up to me and have me the biggest hug ever.
'Oh I've missed you so much cuz!'
'I've missed you too! How's Ollie and Ben?'
'They're great!'
'I see another one on the way then! How many months?' I poked her stomach.
'Yep! Three months pregnant!'
'Congrats!' She turned to Lewi.
'You must be Lewi.' They shook hands.
'Nice to meet you!'
'So your table is over here. Follow me!' She took us to our table and we ordered our drinks and food.
'Thankyou Lewi.'
'It's fine Han. Hope you enjoyed your first day.' He winked.
'I certainly did!' At that moment and little boy about two years old ran over to our table.
'Auntie Hannah!'
'Benjamin! How are you?' I picked him up.
'I'm good. Who's that?' He turned to Lewi.
'This is Lewi.'
'Is he your boyfriend?'
'Haha, yes Ben. He is.' He jumped off my lap and walked over to Lewi.
'Hello I'm Benjamin. But you can't call me Benjamin. Only auntie Hannah can so you can call me Ben!'
'Nice to meet you Ben!' He smiled and waved goodbye.
'He's a nice little lad.'
'Yeah. It's been ages since I've seen him. I wonder where Ollie is.'
'He's working late today,' Adrianna was standing behind me. 'He's back tomorrow so we'll come and visit you! We'll take you to the Kilauea Volcano!'
'That would be lovely! Thanks Adri!'

We finished our meals and walked back to the hotel...


Sorry about all the branded stuff it just makes the story a bit more interesting!
Hope your enjoying this!😘

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