Soul sucked by a pumpkin

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As I walk up to the dark, gloomy, creepy house I realize this might be the stupidest dare I've ever agreed to. I put the tack on mr smiths chair, I drank toilet water but this, this tops them all. In 1978 mr. and mrs. Mason plus their two five year old twin girls were found dead in their house. The doctors searched for signs of cuts, broken bones, heart failure but couldn't find anything. Then in 2001 a group of teenage boys went in and were found the exact same way as the masons. Now in 2012 I, Jason Harris have taken the ultimate dare, to go in for one hour and come back out alive. "Come on guys can't I have a different dare?" I called down to my friends. "Not unless you want to be called a chicken." Sighing I slowly approach the door and come to a halt at the large brass door knocker. I look around soaking in the gray woods and dark sky knowing it could be my last time ever to see them. Glimpsing back at my friends I see smirks on their faces. I wave goodbye and say a private prayer before I enter the mason manor.

Darkness wraps itself around me as I shut the door with and echoing bang. The silence so immense its unlike anything I've ever experienced. "Just one hour" I murmur under my breath. Then just as I'm about to turn on my flashlight another light comes on from up the stairs. "Very funny guys" I call upstairs to where the lights coming from while I climb the stairs. Although I'm almost positive it's franky and Joey there's a hint of doubt at the back of my mind that it might not be them. I brace myself for the worst as I climb the last stair but I almost fall back down I'm laughing so hard. It's a pumpkin! With a sweet smile and triangle eyes it's emitting a warm comforting orange glow. "Wow guys this is your big scare, a pumpkin?" I kick the pumpkin down the hall and laugh my way down the stairs to check the rest of the house out.

Turning on my flashlight I look around the room I've entered. Startled I stumble backwards as faces loom out of the darkness at me. Realizing there only portraits of people I stand up and dust myself off. There are many pictures of a young couple and quite a few of little girls, the mason family. One portrait stands out and as I step to take a closer look it blinks. Letting out a girly scream I sprint out of the room I hear mocking laughter coming from the room. I come to a halt in what appears to be the kitchen because I know the laugh, in fact I've known that laugh since I was 5 years old. Casually I walk back to the portrait room to not surprisingly find the picture gone, frame and all. "Come on Joey, come on franky you can come out. I know it's you, I know this place isn't haunted.." I say dying off at the end because of a horrific sight. Joey and franky, dead. Joeys mouth is curled into a laughing smile but his eyes are filled with terror. Franky has his arms outstretched as if trying to save his friend and his mouth is open in a silent scream. Memories flood my mind as I search for an explanation, that's when my eyes land on the pumpkin.

His warm inviting smile is now curved into a wicked smirk. The calming orange light has gone darker giving the room an eerie glow. I jump back in surprise and gasp "you, it was you! You killed my friends!" My fear disappears and is quickly replaced by anger. Taking a giant leap I lunge at the pumpkin. Instead of landing on the pumping I get a mouthful of dust and what feels like a broken nose. I whip around and find the pumpkin looking at me tauntingly from the stairs. Moving faster than I thought possible I bolt for the pumpkin but it twirls away at the last second. It skips (yes literally skips) away to the kitchen only pausing to look back tantalizingly before laughing his way into the kitchen. I sprint to the kitchen ignoring the stitch in my side only to find the kitchen empty. While trying to think where he could be hiding my searching eyes land on a knife holder. It's almost to perfect as I bolt towards to the knives but before I can reach the the pumpkin hops down out of the shadows right in front of me. Resisting the urge to scream I twirl around him and grab the largest knife I could find. Whirling around I smash the pumpkin into a million pieces.

"Yes! Yes! Take that pumpkin!" I yell while dancing around on some remaining pieces. Grabbing my bag I skip out the door humming we are the champions softly under my breath. Just as I'm about to open the door I hear a soft silky voice behind me say "leaving already? Stay a while. Don't you want to play with me?" Dreading what I know will be behind me I slowly turn around. The pumpkins glow is now a deep red illuminating the portraits on the wall and making them appear bloody. His smile is now cut and jagged but still curled into a wicked smirk. Worst of all, he is not four times his size! Somehow he has managed to give himself arms and is now wielding a knife, the same knife that I thought I killed him with. "Come back inside I'm sure we can all have a nice chat" "All? There's just the two.." I start to say but that's when is see them. Seven teenage boys, the same teenage boys that were killed here eleven years ago.

Moving as silently as ghosts the boys glide toward me. I turn to run, to scream, to get out of here as fast as possible but I'm paralyzed. My feet feel as though there stapled to the floor and my mouth as though its been glued shut. I brace myself for when they grab me but its not that bad, in fact it's as though their not actually there at all. That's when I realize the reason they move and feel like ghosts is that they are ghosts! Following the pumpkin they carry me up the stairs into what looks like the master bedroom. The pumpkin has them hold me up against the wall while he leaves to go who knows where. If someone had asked me if it was easy to escape from a ghost 45 minutes ago I would have said yeah duh but now, this is the hardest thing I've ever attempted. It seems the harder I struggle the harder their transparent hands grip me. About 5 minutes later the pumpkin comes in with what appears to be a crystal ball. He gently sets it ever so gently in the middle of the room and motions them silently over to him. They bring me not so gently and let me down on the floor. I try to move but it feels like there are invisible ropes around my whole body. The pumpkin hops over and drags me not so carefully over to the crystal ball and carefully balances it on my forehead. He them proceeds to, a little dramatically, say some words in a language that sounds like Latin ending in a huge clap of thunder. Then he lifts his hands to the sky and huge lightning bolts come down from the sky and enter into his arms. With the lightning still connected to his arms he slowly bounces over and connects both his index fingers to my temples. Blazing pain shoots through my whole body as I scream in agony. The longer he holds me the more he grows until a flash of light blazes through the room and a horrible sight meets my eyes. He has become me.

He has my dark brown hair and piercing green eyes, even my newly broken nose. He has my looks but not my voice when he says "I must thank you and your friends, I haven't had the pleasure to feast like this in a while. I also haven't felt this strong in a while." Fear quakes through me as I watch this monster, this murder talk to me though my own body. "Please, please just let me go." I plead. He doesn't answer for a moment he just looks me over walking around me expressionless. "I was going to let you go but now that I have the option to live again, I think I will." "No! No! No!" I scream over and over until he snaps his fingers and a gag appears in my mouth. He smiles evilly and bends down real close to my ear and whispers "nighty night sweetheart." Then he opens his arms real wide and his eyes roll back in his head and he opens his mouth. I'm about to laugh at him because of how ridiculous he looks but then a blinding pain comes. Remembering a movie i saw I realize he's not just going to kill me, he's going to suck my soul and actually become me! I spit the gag out and scream "No, no you can't live my life. Please just kill me leave my family alone." "Don't worry" he says sarcastically "I'll tell our mother you said goodbye." Then it all goes black.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2012 ⏰

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