Goofy Story

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Da ocean is where Lilli-poooooooooo lives. She was doing the Gangam Style dance while litsening to "Because Of You" by Kelly Ckarkson. And then she was jumping on her couch while kissin another Lilli-poo-poooooooooooooooooooo. And then she danced with Lucas Robert Bois at the Halloween dance and then she kissed a clown and now her face was clowniiiiiiiiiii. Boo hoo hoo hpoo. On the other side of the dance floor stood Michael Maurice Hogue dumbfounedly staring at the Monkey King. And then when she was singing this song: "Swagger Jagger, Swagger Jagger, you should get some of your own, count that money, getcha game on, getcha game on, get ya, get ya, game on" while staring at DA OGRRRRRRREEEEE across the roooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom!!!! 

Sunddenly DA OGRRREEEEEEEEEEEEE arose from his chair and punched Lucas Robert Bois in the middle of his square forehead. And then Lilli-poooooooooooo kissed a Care-Bear's bellybutton and turned into magic Lilli-poooooooooo and got rainbow powers!!

La Fin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(DA END)

Created by Ter-bear, Lillipooooooooo, Awesomekid.

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