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Envy enjoyed taking his showers at Central command. The unisex bathrooms were always empty, and their showers had the most advanced temperature adjustment settings in the country. Plus, they were right above fathers lair, and Envy was definitely one for convenience. The bathrooms were set up like most, stalls on one end, and two showers at the other, with sinks on the far side opposite. He stood under the heavy stream, hot -and practically boiling- water pouring down on his head, flattening his hair and trickling down his skin. Homunculi couldn't feel as much as humans could, so Envy liked to.. Up the ante, so to speak. He let out a long sigh and closed his eyes, letting a sense of relaxation take hold of him, as his shoulders relaxed and his chin tilted slightly upwards. He enjoyed the time to himself, that was for sure.
So it was to Envy's utmost surprise, and quite annoyingly so, when he heard someone enter the room. He frowned, eyes remaining unopened as he shifted slightly in his stance, preparing for what he could only assume was pride telling him that he was needed. However, that never came. Instead, he heard some shuffling movements, and then the shower beside him turned on. He let out a huff, his facial features changing in annoyance and confusion. No one had ever interrupted his routine before, so why the hell now? Maybe someone had the same idea as him, no one ever used this place after all. It was an undiscovered gold mine that was bound to be mined eventually. How foolish of him to think he could be free from the great irritation that was human curiosity. He resigned to his fate, and opened his eyes, staring down at the grey tiled floor beneath him. He tried his best to ignore this unknown entity beside him, only separated by a thin wall.
For reasons unbeknownst to himself, his eyes flicked over to the wall between them, an unwanted -and greatly disliked- inkling of curiosity growing inside him. And for the briefest of seconds, Envy felt that maybe he could simply ignore this person, and the feeling would go away. Although that thought came crashing down rather quickly, as in the next few seconds, he heard a small sob come from whoever was there with him. He blinked: the sound was so quiet, and he wouldn't have heard it had it not been for his keen canine hearing, a quality he always made sure to keep in his usual form. A few seconds passed, then the sound came again. It felt very pathetic, hearing whoever this was, crying silently in the shower. If he had to admit though, he'd had his fair share of tears shed under the misty canopy of chlorinated water as well. He almost felt.. Pity for the human. He quickly shook his head, pushing that feeling deep under, as he did with most unwanted emotions. Another sob came, and Envy rolled his eyes, leaning against the wall separating them. "You okay?" he said, his voice soft but also gruff and uncaring. The persons breathing hitched, and the sobbing quickly subsided. "I-i um.. Yes. I'm fine." they said, and Envy raised a brow at the slight quiver in their quite clearly feminine voice. It was a girl. He certainly hadn't expected this. He'd thought that whoever came into the unisex bathroom would be male, as men took up more than 70% of the military personnel. I guess it did make sense though, because the females that did join the Army, were more than fearless. Envy scoffed internally, hating how even he could be influenced by the slightest bit of sexism. "You don't sound okay." he said, his tone leaking even the tiniest inkling of emotion, despite his efforts to keep it hidden. A sigh came from the other side of the barrier, and Envy's ears perked  up at the sound of her body moving against the slippery tiles. It sounded like she was sitting down, getting comfortable. He frowned at that, certainly the last thing he wanted was to have a 'comfortable' conversation with this human girl.
"I know.. I'm sorry I lied. I guess I just hoped you didn't hear me." she said timidly, her voice muffled slightly, but still clear enough to make out. In response to this, he simply shook his head, crossing his arms as if she could see it. "Well you shouldn't cry with someone around if you don't want them to hear." he spoke, his voice shone clear annoyance and judgment directed at her. The girl however, didn't seem to notice -or care- as she simply stayed silent, the water sprinkling down on both bodies in what should have been an uncomfortable situation. Envy was uncomfortable, having been interrupted in his relaxation. This girl though, she didn't seem to mind at all, and even though he couldn't see her, he could tell that she was taking his words to heart.
"I guess you're right.. Just, no one ever comes in here. And once I heard you in the shower, I was already determined to take one of my own." she spoke after a few silent seconds. The sound of the water, beating down on their skin was the only sound as she finished. He almost laughed, this woman seemed so open, and stubborn. Even just listening to that sentence alone, made bim feel like he knew her a bit more. "Is that so." he said, chuckling to himself. She let out a small laugh of her own, that seeming to be her only reply. "I come here because it's empty too." he said, not knowing why he was confiding in this human, for even the smallest amount of information. Maybe it was because she couldn't see him, didn't know who he was. Yes that had to be it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2020 ⏰

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