1: She thinks she can: An OOTS song

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Ivypool: Well, if you want to hear about my sister, just bring her into the dream.

Hawkfrost: Well, I just want to hear your opinion on her C:

Ivypool: Fine..


Ivypaw Verse: In the morning we wake up, everything is fine. Then soon we're on patrol, beside each other in line. Then in the bushes she is beckoned with by, Jayfeather, and Lionblaze, She says, "Bye..''

Ivypaw Chorus: Why can't she? Why can't she? Be normal, be normal like me? I don't care, I don't care, I'm not a fan. I don't think she can do what she thinks she can. Isn't being with family enough?? Dovepaw needs to stop acting tough.. My life is rough, But it's not like she cares. I don't care! I don't care, I'm not a fan. She can't do what she thinks she can!

Dovepaw: PLEASE let me tell Ivypaw!

Lionblaze: No.

Jayfeather: We know how bad you want to tell her.

Dovepaw: Look, she notices me!

Lionblaze: Okay?

Dovepaw: She's gave me an angry face and ran into the den! *Sighs*

Dovepaw's verse: Ivypaw seems mad at me. I think it's clear to see... We're separated, there, it's stated, sometimes I wish our lives were traded, but I guess it's not that easy

 I wonder who that cat is, Ivy must think it's not my business. But it is, I just want this, to not throw me into an abyss, I want to be, family, not part of the prophecy.

Dovepaw Chorus: Why can't she, Why can't she? Be in the prophecy like me? I don't care, I don't care, I'm not a fan! She can do whatever she thinks she can. Isn't telling her helping enough? Ivypaw, please don't make this tough! Her life is rough, but it's not like she wants me to care.. I don't care! I don't care, I'm not a fan..She'll do whatever she thinks she ca-ya-ann!

Dovepaw: Isn't it clear to see? I care for you!

Ivypaw: If you'd just tell me I'd understand you!

Dovepaw: But I can't! No I can't, why'd I even try..

Ivypaw: Why are you ruining our lives! This is all your fault! Just tell me! You don't trust me! You're the worst cat I've ever met! Y- Wait, Dovepaw, are you, are you crying?

Dovepaw: *Crying noises* Leave me alone!

Ivypaw: I- I'm so-

Dovepaw: You hate me, remember! Now leave me alone! :,C


Hawkfrost: So,  how'd it go?

Ivypaw: AWFUL! She hates me now.

Hawkfrost: Well, walk with me, we'll walk without the stars ;)

And so this was the prequel to walk without the stars :,D

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2020 ⏰

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