Chapter 1

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   The sun had finally set on the small southern town I decided to stay in that day on my journey. Rising for the night, I decided now was the time to get moving to my next point. Crawling out of the basement of the almost torn down and dilapidated building I had slept in for the day, I brushed myself off and hopped on my bike. Nothing too fancy, just enough to get me where I needed to go. Over 2000 years of undead life on this planet and here I was, riding a motorcycle like a human. Why, one may ask? There was something different about traveling around on this rather than essentially running at full speed or flying. This way, I got a much better look at my surroundings. Sure, call me new school if you must, but once you've been around for as long as I want to take it all in; in as many new ways as possible. I wanted to explore what's left, thus my reasoning for being in the Americas. Most of my inhuman life was spent all over the eastern hemisphere, learning new religions, the people, customs and beyond. But I had never been to the Americas yet and now, here I am. Not only that, but I got word recently that my maker, Thalia was located nearby and I planned to see her again with something in mind that weighed on me heavily.

Trees whirred by and the stars were laid out in a beautiful scape above my head as I followed the GPS from Baton Rouge to a small town near where Thalia was...a town called Bon Temps. I had been traveling for a few days now and was almost to the small town, but not before making a pit stop to indulge my hunger. Stopping my bike at a gas station, I filled up the tank and went inside. Behind the counter sat a pudgy older man wearing an old dirty flannel and a pair of equally dirty jeans. "New Blood is in the back." He grumbled, watching me with a close eye, he clearly wasn't a fan of vampires. "What if what I want is you?" Catching his eyes just like I planned, I 'glamoured' him into taking us both to the back office where I had my share. "You will not remember me, once you get back to the register, you will drink an orange juice and go about your night." Leaving quickly, I was back on my way hoping to make it in time before having to go down for the day. These long bike rides helped me think more clearly on what my eventual plan was. I was over the undead life and thinking of taking the 'true death' to finally be free. Truth be told, it was enjoyable not having to hide in the shadows anymore, but gods was I done.

I was done in the aspect that I just didn't feel the need to live forever anymore. Everything had become somewhat redundant and mundane for me. The first two years after we had come out of the coffin were interesting to say the least. But slowly we had become outcasted in a way. Our kind didn't have an in-between; you either liked us or didn't. Some of us mainstreamed our new open lives and some still stayed in the ways of the old. I for one, was always torn between the two. I enjoyed that old acquaintances of mine were now able to have their own businesses and such but that wasn't for me. I needed the wide open spaces and the freedom the world has to offer. 

The scenery down here was striking in its own way. Large banyan trees filled with Spanish moss, the smell of the thickness & swamp in the air, all the different animals that lurked in the night. Nightlife around here was much different as well and I thrived in it. Culture was rich in the southern states but much more here than anywhere I've been in the U.S. so far. Hoodoo, Vodou, Cajun, Creole, French, Native...I could seriously get wrapped up here learning everything and anything I could of the people and customs as well as religions of Louisiana. It all intrigued me so much, almost as much as the ancient Egyptians and their ways of life in days past. It almost seemed like we were separated from the rest down here in everything, but not when it came to vampires like me, as with the rest of the Americas.

I had been on the road for however long I had before I entered the small picturesque town of BON TEMPS. On my way through, I decided to stop my bike at a small bar in town and grab a quick drink before heading off again to find somewhere to sleep for the night. Shutting down my bike outside the only bar I could find; a small hick bar called "Belleflur's Bar and Grille". Belleflur's had a cozy little feel to it once inside, it felt old in a way (which it probably was). Decorations littered every wall; old wooden tables were placed in the dining area and in the middle of booths that lined the wall, cute lookalike oil lanterns which were electric made up the chandeliers, everything had a place and it was charming to say the least. "Hi, welcome in! Where would you like to sit?" a cute little redheaded vampire, greeted me. A vampire manning the hostess station? Motioning to the bar, she just waved her hand in that direction and went on her way. How weird? I understand that we're out in the open now, but I have YET come across a bar or restaurant that openly hired my kind. This was odd indeed. Sure, when I walked in there were stares, but then everyone went about their business as if I was just another person. This small bar had my thoughts going a mile a minute. Why were they not at least unnerved? Had they come across so many of my kind that this was normal to them now? Most of these small towns were not this welcoming to my kind in the slightest. These people in here acted like this was nothing new and didn't care a lick who or what I was.

Sitting in the bar stool, I looked to another redhead behind the bar. "Hi, my names Arlene and I'm the owner of this here fine establishment. Anything I can get you?" She was also quite bubbly and sweet. Must be common around here? "Just a New Blood please?" I responded, to which Arlene simply nodded. I cracked open the goofy ass can and took a drink. "You're definitely not from around here are ya' darlin'?" she asked, putting a hand on the bar in front of me. "No ma'am, just traveling through. Is there anywhere, light safe, to stay for the morning around here?" I felt a ripple of unease radiate off her, she wasn't sure of me. Looking me up and down, she flagged over the little redheaded vampire who greeted me earlier. "Jessica hon, is there anywhere our little out of towner can stay for the day that's light safe?"

"She can stay with Hoyt and I at our house. It's 100 percent light proof, Bill made sure..." At the mention of this Bill, Jessica's eyes casted down and I felt despair wave off her. "He was your maker, wasn't he?" She just nodded solemnly. "If it's not too much trouble, I could pay you to stay for the day and be out of your hair by tomorrow night?" "My shift is almost over and we can head over there," Jessica said before she took off to greet more customers. Sipping from my drink again, I looked around. Everyone seemed to have a place around here, like they came and sat in the same seats night after night. I didn't smell any fear yet, even with two known vampires in this building. Something was off about this little town. Glancing behind the bar, I noticed tons of pictures tacked to the wall of people who wore the same outfit as Jessica. All smiling and happy, some were taken by surprise which led me to smile. Arlene caught my gaze and looked towards the pictures as well. 

"Those were some of the best people I've ever had in my life." She thumbed a picture of her and a man tenderly. "When you say were, are those people not around anymore?" "Some of them no, which breaks my heart every day. But no offense to you personally, if it wasn't for those damn vampires then I would still have a couple of them here with me." 

"None taken, I get it. We're not the best I can't deny you that. Now, I can't speak for the rest, but I've been around long enough to know of the butterfly effect and the things it does. I promise that no harm will come to anyone by my hand. My condolences, I'm sorry for asking." She smiled meekly and took off towards the kitchen hollering at someone named Lafayette.

Jessica had come up to the side of me and mentioned her shift was over if I'd like to follow her back to her place. Placing money on the bar for my drink, I downed the rest of it and walked out with the girl. "Sorry, I usually just walk here or else I'd offer you a ride." "We can take my bike, just tell me where to go." 


I want to give a huge shout out to niccalexandra51 for going over my entire story so far and helping me edit from a different point of view! From here on, I will be dedicating everything to that woman! <3

Author's Note:

 Hi y'all! Hope you've enjoyed the first chapter to my story! I'm new at this so don't mind me if I make a little mistake or two! :) Constructive criticism is always welcome. Also, if you're enjoying what you read, please feel free to vote or hell, even comment (absolutely no pressure!) :) <3

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