Cнα⅊тɛʀ 15 (edited)

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Nora's P.O.V

I’d avoided Elijah for the remainder of that day and the next few days, only ever answering to his commanding orders and requests. The possibility of any actual conversation was squashed under my feet like I’d squash creepy crawlies. It seemed to be a good idea at the time, but it had backfired.

‘What if something went wrong in Las Vegas?’ I had pondered at the time I’d stormed out of the office. That trauma from the near-to-death situation came to fruition. I’d shuddered and reluctantly forced myself to go back to Elijah that day where I’d then tried discussing with him this whole trip, but he’d ignored the topic. He wouldn’t even discuss the three-day trip with me, he’d basically done the exact same thing to me what I was doing to him, and it was infuriating.

Elijah didn’t seem to care though, as usual his arrogance and nature to seem apathetic to everything ignited my imagination to conjure up images of different ways I’d kill him, slowly, torturously, creatively, painfully. Those thoughts were one of the remaining few that kept me surviving at the office, and I was pretty sure it was the same for every other worker in Coopers Inc.

We all hated Elijah for the fact that he’d do anything and everything as long as it was under his control without our permission. Case example could be the fact that he’d gone behind my back and forced me to join him to go to Las Vegas.

It would end up being another event that would go terribly wrong, just like the party, where I’d either want to choke Elijah and suffocate him or I’d end up getting more questions to a labyrinth of confusion rather than answers to help me make sense of him. It also didn’t help that I was still waiting for Elian to reply to me about Ben and I hadn’t managed to ask my mom or dad about my potential sibling, but I was working on it.

But then again, on the plus side, I’d never been to Las Vegas before. I knew it was named Sin City because it allowed people to do things there, they weren’t normally allowed to do anywhere else. It was famous for its gambling casinos where you could win chunks of money but apart from that Las Vegas was an unknown contradiction to a normal life. Maybe I could look forward to traveling a bit and experiencing new things, but I wasn’t happy about how this entire thing had occurred.

Fast forward a few days and it was now Sunday. I was gloriously relaxing, considering I was at home and laying in bed with my laptop. I’d spent a few hours watching crime thrillers, all the best ones that included different ways serial killers and psychopaths had gone about committing their attacks. ‘It was some innocent shows, I was just studying… I mean, just looking at the murders. Nothing special.’

The onslaught of a gurgling stomach had driven me to begrudgingly get out from beneath my duvet and head to the kitchen. The quiet pitter patter of my feet slowing down when I walked into the living room first and saw Nina sitting on the floor cross-legged at the coffee table drawing something on some blank pieces of paper. Out of curiosity, I peeked over her shoulders and watched as she artistically drew a skull with a rose growing out of its left eye.

Bossy Vibes (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now