Chapter 1, Memory

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        "Me lady? I'm sorry Ms. Sophia, to wake you this early. But Mistress whats to spend the day with you."  I could hear a faint knock on my door and our maid, Lidia, on the other side of my door. Even though i wouldn't be able to hear her breaths but i could. Also I picked up her footsteps in the hall, but i did. The reason why I could is because I'm a cat. I know its really weird and to-good-to-be-true, but its true.

        Lidia was really startled when I opened the door when she stopped talking. "I'm up. I've been up for awhile, actually. Do I really need to spend the day with that witch?" i asked.

        "Yes miss, I'm sorry but she is your mother, miss. I'm sorry that was out of my place to have said that." 

        "No no, that is fine. What time did they get home last night?" I asked. Ever since I was about 10 years old, my parents started to go out to parties and then coming home really late at night either drunk or high. I started to play with Lidia, and we became really good friends. We are still friend but, things started  to become different when my parents found out and punished Lidia because they said that a maid and a "LADY" shouldn't be friends. I was really upset about it. My parents warned me to never be friends with her ever again. Lidia found me crying in my room and she tried to comfort me but i pushed her away because I didn't want my parents to punish her.

        "They came in around 2 in the morning miss. would you want me to fetch a cup of tea for you miss? Would me lady want me to help you get changed?" she had said. 

        " Yes a cup of tea sound nice. And no, I think I can dress myself. What time does that witch want to see me, Lidia?

        " Um, I'm not quite sure miss. I will ask Mistress on what time she wishes to see you. And also the schedule for to day's plan as well." she curtsied and walked back down the hall way.

        "Huh, why does she want to spent her time with me? All this time, with her big burden." I said to myself. " I know what to do! Since we both don't want to really see each other, I should just vanish. Yes, that is what I must do. Huh, then I should start packing. Oh, and I should get some money so I can find a nice place to stay. Also some food for the long journey a head."

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