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The word ‘escape’ whispered its way out of her mouth
Dancing on her breath in the crisp air 
Yes escape was what she needed
To grab her things and run 
Fast and far
Because that’s what she did

The feeling of longing pumped through her veins
Yes longing she had
For him, for beautiful cities she only dreamed of
Far and out of reach
Because dreaming was what she did

The blood in her body started to boil
As she thought of what she wanted
Yes she wanted so many things
Out of reach and far fetched 
Because being ambitious was what she was

The tip of her tongue tingled with your name 
Yes it was him she missed
Far fetched and long gone 
Because missing him was what she did

The outer part of her body craved to be touched
Yes missing his touch she did
Long gone and addictive 
Because his arms were the only ones she knew

The insides of her eyes began to tingle
Yes emptiness in her chest beginning to tingle in his absence 
Addictive and heartbreaking 
Because being alone was all she knew 

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