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Bueno la mala noticia es que es 28 años mayor que yo y no sabía que hacer y bueno seguimos en contacto y al pasar del tiempo nos hicimos parejas, aqui les dejó una parte de nuestra conversación :

Dave- I'm great. Missing you tho. I'm just relaxing on my day off and gonna have dinner soon. what you doing??❤️ 

Me- Nothing , Sad

Dave- Why sad?

Me- Because I want to see you, I feel lonely without you, do not know when I can see and I'm surrounded by my family, but still I feel lonely, I miss you .

Dave- I love you Kelly, so much. Your beauty is quite unbelievable. The most beautiful girl I have ever seen. EVER, anywhere in the world. No other girl comes even close to being as gorgeous as you. Your eyes, lips, skin and gorgeous body that I long to touch, hold, kiss, lick and make love to. To be with you would be heaven on earth. To love you is the greatest feeling. Although your so far away I still consider you my girlfriend and I will be faithful to you for as long as I live. You are mine. And I am yours. You are divine in everyway. I adore you.❤️

Chicas sé que esta en ingles , pero sus palabras son tan asdddhjfbfjfj .

Bueno no se si les gusto , perdonme no soy como ustedes que son buenas escritoras , bueno y lo peor es que .........

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