I Don't Die That Easily

303 16 11

Warning: some swearing

Sam had never been happier to see someone. When they ran into the small clearing where the demon was holding Felix, his heart skipped a beat. Those past few hours he had been worried sick, his mind a swirling pool of worst-case-scenarios and self-blame. The others deserved a prize for putting up with him during that time. He hadn't confessed his feelings to anyone apart from Felix, but he was sure they'd become blatantly obvious (not that he knew what "blatantly" meant, but he'd heard Felix use it and he was pretty sure he got the meaning of it at least half right). That all didn't matter now, because Felix was there and he seemed to be alright. Tied to a tree, but seemingly alright.

As he noticed later, "seem" was the keyword.

When they all stood in a half-circle facing Alice and the possessed adults, screaming the lyrics to Felix's Unmaking Song, he made the mistake of looking back over his shoulder for a split second. He had been so engrossed (a fancy word for "busy with", also learned from Felix) in fighting the demon that he hadn't stopped to consider that maybe Felix wasn't alright. He could slap himself at his stupidity. As he turned his head to glance back at his- at their goth, he caught his breath. Oscar was practically supporting Felix's entire weight, the latter looking barely conscious enough to mumble the spell. Sam's heartbeat sped up at the sight. Why hadn't anyone noticed that he was hurt this much? Why hadn't he?

Before he could turn around to help Oscar hold him up, there was a blinding white light followed by an eerie silence. Alice's screams and the roaring of the wind were gone and they'd all stopped yelling. Sam felt a strange tingling feeling run through his body as the white slowly turned to black. He was able to think, but everything was... weird. Was he unconscious? That would be so cool and so not cool at the same time. He was sure that he was lying down on the bush floor, because his sore back from being tossed around by the demon was pretty sensitive to the branches and other stuff prodding into it. It was still dark and still too silent. Then someone groaned.

Sam forced his eyes open to look at whoever had made the sound. The bright light blinded him for a moment before his eyes got used to it. He saw Jake sitting upright, holding his side. He remembered seeing him getting slammed into a tree by Fake-Gary. Jake's side probably hurt as much as Sam's back. As he pushed himself up, he couldn't help but let out a groan as well. Damn, that had hurt. It must've been adrenaline or some other biological thingy that had kept him going during the fight. Now he was tired and drained and hungry.

"Felix!" Jake said suddenly, getting Sam's full attention. His head snapped to the side, his eyes landing on Felix's limp form, completely forgetting about his pain. He vaguely noticed Andy sitting up as well, but his main focus was on the goth. He was lying a meter or two to his left, completely still. His skin was paler than usual, his eyeshadow and eyeliner seeming even darker. Sam was kneeling by his side before Jake had even scrambled up.

"Felix?" he asked, his voice tight. He gently shook his shoulders. Felix's head lolled to the side, his lips slightly parted.

Just two nights ago, he'd kissed those lips for the first time. That day they'd confessed their love to each other. It had been an awkward and in hindsight hilarious conversation, but incredibly relieving. Keeping his bisexuality hidden from his family, friends and (future ex-) girlfriend had been very hard for him these past three years after he'd first discovered he was into boys as well. Felix and him had acted very weird around each other the rest of that day, always glancing at each other and probably ticking the other two off. That night they'd snuck out while Jake, Andy and Phoebe had been sleeping. They'd talked for hours, walked around town (but staying close enough to Phoebe's house in case the demon decided to show up) and spent almost the entire time holding hands, despite Felix not being a big fan of physical contact. They'd finished their walk with a kiss. It had been the best moment of his life. Even better than his last birthday, which had been his previous best moment.

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