Chapter 1: I wanna Stay In Bed Forever

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"Get up you have school" My mum shouted from downstairs "yeah I'm coming just give me a minute" I lied.

Obviously one minute means 50 years.

"Hurry up you're gonna be late" Steven (my step dad) said whilst walking into my room.
"Get out! Why are you in my room Steven?"

I hate him, like why did he have to come into our life...well mostly my mum's life but he's invading my privacy and it's not only him ruining my life, it's his attractive son as well that is ruining my life. Why did he have to be my step brother? UGH! He's so cute but so annoying at the same time and he's so young.

Wait that sounded wrong but he's not like 10 years old; he's 13 or 14 or is he 15? Oh well I don't know.

"Come on get up off your lazy ass" steven shouted at me again.

"Wait a fucking minute I'm getting up" I said whilst slowing rolling out of bed, clinging onto my sheet and landing with a thud the wooden floor. Ouch.

"See! I'm out of bed now" I said cleary pissed off. Steven rolled his eyes "you have to get ready for school and I don't like you attitude missy"

For the ten years that he has been with my mum I have always given him hell. He was the main reason why mum and dad got a divorce in the first place. He always told mum that he never liked her, even in seconday school (they went to the same one), and finally when mum moved on he randomly comes into our life with his attractive son and says "oh stacy I love you" like wtf who does that? And the worse thing is that he brought someone with him, as I mentioned before, and he's giving me hell but he's cute as fuck.

Life sucks... dick.

"Well I don't like you and you don't even love mum so why don't you leave so that we can all be happy!" I exclaimed.
He stood there shocked by what I said.
I didn't mean for it to come out as rude as that. It sounded wayy better in my head.

"Well if that's how you feel then I won't speak to you, but I do love your mum" no you don't "and I will be here no matter what so enjoy your stay at the annoying step father inn" ERRM EXCUSE MOI! Do not talk to the miss sass queen of 2014 like that...bitch.

"Leave." I said
"Fine" he smiled an walked out of my room. "UGH" I sighed whilst throw my sheet across the room failing miserably.

"Time to go to school"

I got up off of the floor and made my way to the shower; I have a mirror before the entrance and I don't know why I put it there. Ok well I do know. I put it there because...I had self esteem when I put it there. I loved what I looked like and I thought I was the fairest of them all. Turns out I'm not.

I first became insecure when I got my first boyfriend about 3 years ago (so 16-3 you do the math).
I always felt so insecure because all of my 'friends' had boyfriends and already had their first kiss, and I was there like 'hello my name is ocean parker and I like long walks on the beach and maths'.
So, one day I met this guy that my 'friend' Molly introduced me to.

He was perfect. He had brown hair. Brown eyes and was tall. PERFECT. But it turns out he wasn't so perfect inside (ew that sounded wrong and if you don't get it then thing of urANUS...sorry I'm mentally 10).

He told me that I was pretty. He lied. He told me we would be together forever. He lied again. He told me that in the future I wouldn't be known as 'Parker' anymore it would be 'Crosston' and guess what? He lied yet again.

It was a dare.
We only lasted for about two weeks even though it was a dare. He made my life hell. He made me do things that I would normally think twice about but let's just say I'm not a virgin anymore.

After we broke up he texted me saying

'Who would wanna go out with you? You're ugly and fat. You need to lose weight. I'm back with my girlfriend and you're such a slut. Why would you lose your virginity at age 13 *ROTFL* goodbye loser p.s I'm telling the whole school about your sex life xx'

That text ruined me and since then I've started you know...binge eating. Now don't blame me but food is life. Food is bae. And I just be with it for as long as I stay (ugh I feel like fricking shakespere right now).

I have been putting on some weight but I keep on losing it as well. I'm like a fricking yo-yo and don't think of that in a dirty way or maybe that's just me...

I need to get a shower I smell like a boy.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2014 ⏰

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