Sweet Creature

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Harry sat at a desk in the library, scrawling some form of poetry off the top of his head. His handwriting was neat with a small hint of ineligibility, you know the sort, neat yet messy. Full of loops and twists and turns.

Harry hated his handwriting if he was being completely honest, he always wanted it to be neater. Though, he had grown fond of how it stood out against others.

He wasn't sure if he was writing a song or a poem at this point. He had started out with the idea of poetry in his head, yet found himself humming a tune that the words could fit nicely into. He decided to name this "Sweet Creature". He had decided that this was a song. Just a first verse, but it could definitely be developed further.

He hid the note in a random page of the book he was reading, that was, oddly enough, a poetry book.

Coffee, Caffeine and Cautious Company, by Erin Glenys.

It was one of Harry's favourite books. He had always loved how Erin had written her poems. He could tell that they were from personal experience. His favourite was always the 20th entry in the collection. It was never given an official title, yet Harry had always referred to it as 'Promises'.

Erin wasn't a very well known poet, in fact, very few people knew about her. That's one of the main things Harry likes though, how underrated Erin is. It made him feel a lot closer to her work, like he had known her for years and definitely made it feel much more personal. Almost like he was reading her diary.

It was obvious that she used her poems to express feelings she couldn't convey in a 'traditional' sense. At least, that's what Harry thought.

"Excuse me," a voice interrupted. "Is this seat taken?"

"Uh, no." Harry started, "you can have mine though, I was just leaving."

And with that, Harry pushed himself away from the desk, grabbed his phone and his bag, quickly checking to make sure his note hadn't fallen out of the book and threw a small smile in the direction of the lad that had derailed his train of thought.

Just as Harry reaches the small gap that he had removed his book from, he had an idea, and removed the note from its home in between the pages, he scribbled a quick 'All the love -H" at the base of the sheet before nestling it back where he had taken it from and returned the book back to its rightful place on the shelf.

Harry then shoved his hands into his pockets and strode out of the library.

It was now dark out and the temperature had dropped significantly lower from the decent warmth of 13°C it had been when Harry had entered the building just a few hours earlier.

"Fuckin England" Harry swore to himself quietly.

Shuffling his way home, Harry took his time to gaze into the stars in the sky above. Well, the ones that he could see, thanks to the light pollution of London.

Once Harry reached his home, he fished his key out of his pocket and unlocked his door, before walking straight into his bathroom to shower.

The rest of the night was quite uneventful, he received some texts from his friend, Niall, talking about how he had met a new lad that he thought Harry would get along with.

His name was Liam, he was a year older than Harry and Niall, with them being 19 while he was 20, however, Niall seemed keen on him.

Harry told Niall he would "think about it" which was his polite way of saying " i don't want to, but i'll let you think its an option before i ultimately tell you No"

Niall had not seemed to click onto that yet.

Harry woke up the next morning and his first thoughts were of the dream he had just been brought out of by his alarm.

See, Harry isn't remembering what the dream was about but more so who the dream was about.

He had no idea.

Starring in Harry's dream last night was a young man, around Harry's age, potentially a couple years older.

He had beautiful, soft, caramel-coloured hair and eyes that were the deepest, most stunning variation of blue that Harry had ever had the honour of witnessing. All-in-all this character, whoever he was, was just breathtaking.

He stood a bit shorter than Harry, which Harry absolutely loved.

Something in the back of Harry's mind was persistent and nagging, he needed to find this Nameless beauty.

The literal man of his dreams

And he needed to do it now.

All The Love -H (L.S AU)Where stories live. Discover now