Chappie 1

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Hello dear readers!! *cries anime style* I just can't say no when yall ask me to write another story!!! Oh my dear kitty-chan give the disclaimer for the whole story please~?

Kitty-chan: A-chan doesn't own fairy tail. Hiro Mashima does. If A-chan did own fairy tail there would always be...hehehe....nevermind! Enjoy the story!!


Bixlow's POV

I was sitting with laxus, freed,  and evergreen at our self proclaimed table on the second floor. The guild doors slam open. I look at the doors and see my dear little sister walk in. She was wearing the usual.Her black silky hair that looks like stars are in it cascading down to her knees,  Black knee spandex shorts, a black bikini with red blood splatter designs,andages over her eyes, and no shoes. She walks to the bar and orders something. I see mira nod and walk in the kitchen. She comes out with a keg of beer. Lucy takes it and goes to where I presume is her dark little corner. I sigh and feel a hand on my shoulder. I trace the hand to laxus. "Shell remember soon hopefully. I miss her too she's my sister as well. Don't worry."

Lucy's POV

As I was sitting in my little self proclaimed dark corner, I thought. I thought about the feeling that overcame me this morning. It was a feeling of emptiness. ' What did that empty feeling mean?' I think before I start seeing how far back in my life I could remember.  I could only remember until I was 12. 'That's what that feeling meant!' I think gasping and running to the bar leaving my now empty keg at my table. "Mirajane is gramps in his office?" I ask.  She spins around scared. When she sees me she calms down and places her hand over her heart. "Jeez lucy~! You scared me!" She sighs. "Sorry Mirajane." I apologize.  She sighs and says it's okay. She stares at me. Although I have bandages on my eyes I could still see. I have them there because my soul magic. I can't find any visors so I use bandages. She lunges at me suddenly and rips the bandages off my eyes. "NOOO!!" I scream covering my eyes and crouching on the floor. The guild goes quiet. "Show me your eyes!"Mirajane says giggling. "No! It's dangerous!" I yell my voice wavering. I stand up and run out of the guild heading to my apartment. Once I reached the apartment I summon virgo. "Bandages!! Please hurry !!" I cry. "I suspected you would need them so I already brought them for you princess. Punishment? " virgo says. I remove my hands as she goes behind me. My silver eyes with teal specks shining brightly. She wraps the bandaged around my eyes with expertise. I thank her and she nods then leaves. I calm back down the head back for the guild. As I approach the guild I see Mirajane looking around. I notice she's holding the bandages. She spots me as soon as I reach the doors. "LUCY!" She screams glomping me. I stumble a bit but otherwise catch her. She cries on my shoulder. Mirajane is the only one I'm nice with other than Gajeel, wendy, their exceeds, and happy. "Mirajane? " I ask rubbing circles on her back."i-Im so sorry! I didn't mean to upset you!" She hiccups. "It's alright. I wasn't upset. I was...scared. I didn't know how much control I would have over my magic. You see I'm also a soul mage mirajane. A very high leveled one at that. It's extremely dangerous for everyone around me if I don't have these bandages on. I would wear a visor but I haven't found one strong enough yet." I explain. She calms down and stands back up. She nods ands wipes her tears. We walk back into the guild. I'm bombarded with questions. "Let's see your eyes!" "What happened earlier!?" "Why do you wear those bandages??" "Why do you have shackles too??" They all ask. "No you can't see my eyes it's too dangerous, to keep my magic in check, it's from my past I can't remove them. Now. Move." I grumble irritated. They keep pestering me however. My hand twitches. Mirajane,  noticing this, puts a hand on my shoulder. "Guys. Come on..Go back to what you were doing or I'll close the bar." Mirajane threatens.  They all squeak and go back to what they were doing. I tried to keep my giggles in but failed. For the first time in forever, I giggled.( A.N and for the first time in forever~!! Hahaha!) My giggles ring like bells through the guild hall. The guild goes silent and watches me. Comments of "So cute~!" And "Awee~ Adorable~!" Are heard throughout the guild. I just giggle more at this. Soon I'm holding my side with one hand and the other on mira for support. I clear my thought as I stop giggling. I look at mirajane and she gives me a bright smile. I return her bright smile with a ghostly smile. She gasps and glomps me. Caught off guard we fall to the floor. " You smiled!" She squeals. I sigh and nod pushing her off me. "So mean lucy..." she pouts but stands back up. "Who wants to taste Lucy's Amazing cooking?!" She squeals to the guild. I sigh and stand up dusting myself off. I just head to the kitchen already knowing there's no way out of this and close the kitchen doors but not before yelling "No peeking!" I pull my black starry hair into a big messy bun and begin to cook a cake big enough for the guild. Not even 45 minutes later I walk out of the kitchen balancing milkshakes and a huge cake to the bar. "Enjoy. I won't cook a lot for you guys." I yell. I let my hair out of its bun and it drops in its usual messy waves to my knees. I quickly cut the cake into serving size pieces for everyone with expertise. I hand everyone a milkshake and a piece of cake. They all taste it then sigh contentedly. I notice a group on the second floor didn't get any so I get enough drinks and plates of cake for them and go up the stairs. "Here you go. I noticed you guys didn't get any. I made it. Enjoy." I say. They nod and thank me and dig in. As I go to turn around a big warm hand grabs my wrist. I turn my head and see it was a man with a lightning shaped scar who was holding my wrist. I turn back around and look at him. "It's amazing. Want to sit with us?" He asks.  I nod and sit down quietly. "I'm laxus. That's evergreen, freed, and bixlow." The man with lightning shaped scar says pointing to each person. I nod. "Lucy. Nice to meet you." I say. I look at bixlow. "So your amazing soul soul mage too?" I ask leaning on the table.  He nods. "Take your helmet off. I wanna see what level your on. Don't worry about your partners they won't get affected. I might be a higher level than you or you might be on my level and if so it will nullify everywhere except between our eyes. " I say removing the bandages. I see a poof next to me and a hand covers my eyes. "Princess! What are you doing?!" I hear virgo. "Virgo. He's a soul mage too. It'll nullify. We're safe. Go back. Now." I growl. She removes her hand as she disappears. "Damn spirit. Hadnt even removed the bandages completely yet and she freaks..." I mutter. Laxus chuckles. I finish removing the bandages, my eyes closed. "You have your visor off?" I ask. "Yep. You have your bandages off?" He asks back. "Wouldn't risk it. Ready. Set. Open." I say opening my eyes. We stare into each others eyes. "Your eyes are pretty ya'know. " he chuckles. "Yeah yeah...definitely heard that before..." I mutter. My eyes widen when I finally analyze his level. "Your on the same level as me almost!!" I yell standing up and leaning towards him." I am?" He asks wide eyed. " you're level...9.5 and im level 10." I say. "What are levels again?" He asks dumbly. I sweat drop.  "Levels are like how strong you are. 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest." I say as we simultaneously cover our eyes back up. "Oh." He says. "Where'd you get your visor? I cant ever find one strong enough! "I say over dramatically. He chuckles and stands up. He digs through his over sized pockets. He pulls out out a visor. "You can have it. It's too strong strong a visor for me as of right now. " he he says handing it to me. I squeal squeal and thank him. He chuckles and sits back down. I close my eyes and remove the bandages again. As I was about about to put the visor on I feel a massive magic energy heading for the guild. I hurriedly put the visor on and open my eyes. But as I open my eyes a pain shoots through my eyes. "Ah!" I scream but but bite it back at the end. I throw the visor off and rub my eyes eyes furiously. "What happened?!" Bixlow yells. "T-that visor..." I stutter.

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